New Wii Channel; Digital Photo Channel

By Shane Jury 23.07.2008 8

A new Channel for Wii owners in Japan has been launched by Nintendo and FujiFilm, that allows for special Photos to be taken and ordered online.

According to Kotaku, the channel will allow users, through the SD Card slot and a selection of photos, to create Fuji digi picture prints, photo albums and Mii business cards, and order them online with a Credit card.

Image for New Wii Channel; Digital Photo Channel

Image for New Wii Channel; Digital Photo Channel

A cool idea, although the likelihood of the channel appearing outside of Japan is remote, like the TV Guide Channel that was released as Japan-exclusive not long ago.


According to IGN, the channel will see release outside of Japan;

As with the other Wii Channels, Nintendo has global plans for the new channel. Wii owners in North America and European markets can look forward to similar print services in the near future.

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Nice, too bad I wont be buying any pictures Smilie

Is there an exploding need for Mii business cards?

They are freekin avatars! It's like some people with their pets...

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

Mii Bobble heads would get a lot of sales. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Why would I purchase picture, I have the internet, a printer and digital camera after all

Seriously I could make my own freakin' Mii business card, and it'd probably look better... not that that even matters since it'd be useless anyway. I have no need for such a channel, but I guess some people would use it. If they were gonna add a non-gaming service on a channel, I would've preferred something more useful.

How strange for a video game company to make something like this Smilie sounds more like a JP only release but apparently I'm wrong.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

It looks like a waste of memory. This is probably what the Zelda and Mario teams have been working onSmilieSmilie

But, seriously I would rather have the TV guide channel than this even though I may not use that either. Wow Nintendo is really starting to bore meSmilie

leif hvaldbir (guest) 25.07.2010#8

ummmm... why the fuck buy photos with google and printers.

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