Nintendo's performance is still in the news this week with company president Satoru Iwata apologising for their appearance at E3 this year.
According to IGN the man who brought the company into modern times clarified Nintendo's intentions towards the casual and hardcore markets. Speaking to Forbes, Iwata once again apologised for a lack of new projects during their E3 media briefing.
He reiterated recent interviews with other Nintendo representatives that core titles are in development and will be shown at another time.
If there is any perception that Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers, it's a misunderstanding and we really want to get rid of that misunderstanding by any means. We are sorry about media briefings, specifically for those who were expecting to see Nintendo show something about 'Super Mario' or 'Legend of Zelda.'However, the fact of the matter is the so-called 'big titles' need a long, long development period. We really didn't think this year's E3 media briefing was the time to do so."
Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.