Dragon Quest V Storms Japan on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 19.07.2008 9

The first day sales from Japanese blogger sinobi are now in and it appears that Square Enix's Dragon Quest V port on the Nintendo DS has started even stronger than its predecessor. Dragon Quest IV managed to sell around 1.2 million copies in total after starting with 350,000 sales on its first day and a limited first shipment.

This time round, though, Square Enix was prepared for the demand and it is definitely a good job it has done so, since from initial Famitsu figures the remake of Dragon Quest V from the SNES (and PlayStation 2) has sold through a staggering 420,000 units on Day One alone. This equates to 60% of the initial shipment, so chances are high for close to the full 700,000 being sold through in the full week and the million mark is likely to be crossed very quickly thanks to the extra stock waiting in the wings. Many thought DQV would not do quite as well as DQIV purely because of the shorter space of time that has passed since the PS2 remake and this DS version when compared to the lengthier time span between the PSone edition of DQIV and its DS iteration. Clearly the Dragon Quest user-base on DS has proved that assumption wrong!

The question remains, though, whether or not the PlayStation 2 version's total can be eclipsed, just as DQIV DS managed to slip ahead of the PSone's sales.

Box art for Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date 2008   North America release date 2008   Japan release date 14.07.2008   Australian release date 2008   

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It was always on the cards. Insane Qs applenty I imagine. When are we going to get the foirst!, has a US date been marked yet?

Dear god just imagine how much Dragon Quest XI is going to sell...probably a million in a week or more.

tiamat1990 said:
Dear god just imagine how much Dragon Quest XI is going to sell...probably a million in a week or more.

That's if they can stock that much.

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Japan sure loves their DQ.

DQIV's coming to the US and Europe in September, isn't it? So I'd guess DQV early 2009 for us.

The PSone version of DQIV sold about 1.2 million and the DS edition just beat that total over time.

The PS2 edition of DQV sold 1.6 million in total, with a million of those sales coming in the first week alone. So currently the DS edition is tracking lower...but DS RPGs have shown better 'legs' than PS2 ones that were more front-loaded.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

tiamat1990 said:
Dear god just imagine how much Dragon Quest XI is going to sell...probably a million in a week or more.
Is it XI?
I thought it was IX?

More remakes ._.
I've never played a DQ game before...maybe I should Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Unfortunately, when I think of DQ I think of Dairy Queen. That is an Ice Cream and Burger Restaurant in the states. I have also never played a Dragon Quest game.

So it sold more on day one than Persona 4 did in a week? o_O

Well, that's not hard! Persona is a niche RPG and its only with this fourth release that it appears to have hit the big-time (although I fully expect a heavy drop-off in its second week).

And to the comment above, DQIX is coming to DS, not DQXI as many incorrectly state.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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