E308 Media | Guitar Hero: World Tour Blowout

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2008 3

Activision have taken the stage to discuss the forthcoming Guitar Hero in immaculate detail!

World Tour marks a new step in the world of music, following EA's Rock Band roots in introducing a whole array of new ways to jam with to some of the best tunes the world has to offer.

First up, the swanky E3 trailer:

Following on from this the company promote the different tools at your disposal: an remodeled guitar complete with touch-sensitive functionality, an electronic drumkit and new modes to play through.

- State of the Art Wireless Instruments � In addition to a newly resigned, more responsive guitar controller which features a touch-sensitive slide bar on the neck, Guitar Hero World Tour will deliver the most realistic drum experience ever in a video game with an authentic drum kit. Featuring three drum pads, two raised cymbals and a bass kick pedal, the drum controller combines larger and quieter, velocity-sensitive drum heads with soft rubber construction to deliver authentic bounce back and is easy to set up, move, break down and store.

- The Next Great Songwriter, is You � Guitar Hero World Tour's innovative new Music Studio lets players express their musical creativity by giving them access to a full complement of tools to create digital music from scratch utilizing the redesigned touch-sensitive guitar controller and an authentic drum kit. Virtuosos can then play their compositions in-game and share the recordings with the entire Guitar Hero community through GHTunes� where other gamers from around the world will be able to download and play their original tracks. Available to Xbox 360 and PlayStation3 gamers is Line 6's guitar tone technology, enabling them to use amps, cabs and effects from the world-renown Line 6 POD�.

- An Original Set List that's Truly "Everlong" � Guitar Hero World Tour features the largest, most diverse on-disc set list to appear in a music-based video game. Comprised entirely of memorable master recordings from some of the greatest artists of all-time including Van Halen, Linkin Park, The Eagles, Sublime and many more, Guitar Hero World Tour delivers over 85 tracks for countless hours of rocking. In addition to the killer track list, the game will feature a collection of superstar musicians making their video game debuts on the Guitar Hero stage.

More footage can be found on the GameTrailers Guitar Hero page.

Box art for Guitar Hero: World Tour

Vicarious Visions







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I'm just irritated that you need to use Wii remotes to use this damn instruments. You need two for the guitars and one for the drums and I only have to freaking controllers so it'll cose me $100 more just to play on the Wii. I might just buy this for the PS3 then...

I won't have the problem with buying th controllers since I have three already. I'll just have to buy more rechargable batteries.

Is there a price point on the game yet?

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Guest 18.07.2008#3

I do wan this, but I would rather get it on my PS3, it would be much better for me thanks to dlc. I wonder if the GH3 stuff will work on itSmilie

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