E308 Media | Mega Man 9 Developer Walkthrough

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2008 5

Capcom talked through part of an upcoming level from WiiWare side-scrolling game Mega Man 9.

The game's introduction sequence was also on display, bringing a complete warp back in time with 8-bit presentation and storytelling. From the portal-inspired Galaxy Man to the bee filled Hornet Man, the fire-filled Magma Man to the womanly charms of Splash Woman, the robot masters return to do some intense damage, and if Games Radar are to be believed, it's as hard as ever!

Box art for Mega Man 9





2D Platformer



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Disappearing blocks...oh, dear God, NO!

And did the guy in the first video say he thought they were in Hard Man\'s level??? You know Hard Man, from, like, part 3? Based on the intro, I would have guessed Volt Man. I realize these guys have a lot on their minds, but come on, its your game, you should know what boss characters are in it. At any rate, this game is like a dream come true.

Edit: Actually, it is Plug Man\'s stage.

( Edited 16.07.2008 15:48 by samus_boy )

Looks pretty slick! Can't wait Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm glad the slide is not in there, it made a mockery of the series later on. Glad that Rush is back also.

Oh that is brilliant.

Sweet I'm really looking forward to this Smilie

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