E308 Media | Sonic Unleashed Trailer: Were-Sonic in Action!

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2008 17

Sega have unveiled a fresh trailer for the upcoming hedgehog revival, Unleashed, as the blue wonder goes werehog!

Sonic makes a return to the world of home consoles in a blaze of speed, loops and the obligatory spring jumps. With him comes Eggman whose now foiled the hedgehog's lightning speed by twisting up his DNA into what can only be described as werehog - a huge, slow, great mammoth of a beast.

Sonic unleashed is due for release this fall.

What are you thoughts on Sonic's transformation into Werehog?

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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The "multiplayer" you speak of is definitely just a montage of game footage.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Great they got Fall out boy to do the music Smilie

I dunno, looks awkard to play, tis jarring with my head. Is that an on the rails game or a weird combi of 2D sidescrolling and 3D ness.

It looks like it'd be kind of hectic. Plus if it's supposed to be more like the old school gameplay, why do they need a weird werewolf gimmick to break up the action?


hmmmm it looks like a cross between Secret Rings and Shadow The Hedgehog....which is NOT a good combo

^^; oh god i dont like the hairy sonic parts look boring

Smilie im loseing the hope this is back to old sonic games

( Edited 16.07.2008 07:41 by Jump_button )


i thought this could be good but this trailer has definatly changed my mind. First of all; the return of the horrible "boy band" type music. Second; it looks really hectic. Now in my opinion the reason the classic sonic games were so good was that they had the perfect balance of speed and glorious platforming. But it seems this game is just speed, alot like the secret rings. Although sega would probably argue that the platforming is in the gimmicky were-hog section that look terrible.

Well thats my fanboy rant over with.

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No no no! What have they done! Were sonic looks... just... odd!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

To be honest, i think were-sonic looks pretty decent. It looks alot better than what i thought it'd look like at least.

And as for the game-play, it seems very hack n slash, as long as it's done right it won't bother me too much since i'm into sonics gameplay and quite alot of hack n slash.

Although terrible music �.� Why did they have to get bowling for soups singer to do it? Why couldn't they bring crush 40 back for god sake, they were mint.

Always remembered the amazing intro songs for adventure thanks to them �.�

Yeah I am worried now. Smilie

Although Dimps are making the daytime stages on the Wii version. I think that alone will warrent purchase of that version.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

There should never ever ever be any lyrics in Sonic game music it\'s always just been plain fucking weird. It\'s always so cheesy and cringe worthy.

( Edited 16.07.2008 14:35 by Blade2t3 )

Blade2t3 said:
There should never ever ever be any lyrics in Sonic game music it's always just been plain fucking weird. It's always so cheesy and cringe worthy.

Lyrics in Sonic games is the done thing. I think SEGA have always gone for that image.

Sonic Boom/You Can Do Anything, back in 1992. Both cheesy.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sensible I suppose. Blistering speed for Sonic levels, Platforming and exploration for Were-Sonic levels. Just looks really boring in the latter though.Smilie

Were Sonic looks strange but I would say the other sequences look the closest to a true 3D Sonic than any other game so far. Also, did we just see the end of the game (Super Sonic destroying everything)? Smilie

( Edited 16.07.2008 16:35 by Robertd1138 )

SuperLink said:
Blade2t3 said:
There should never ever ever be any lyrics in Sonic game music it's always just been plain fucking weird. It's always so cheesy and cringe worthy.

Lyrics in Sonic games is the done thing. I think SEGA have always gone for that image.

Sonic Boom/You Can Do Anything, back in 1992. Both cheesy.

Yeah and it's always been shite since the had the disk capacity to fit it in.
Advancments in technology not always a good thing!

Blade2t3 said:
There should never ever ever be any lyrics in Sonic game music it's always just been plain fucking weird. It's always so cheesy and cringe worthy.

Yes Blade...
Couldn't agree more. Bring back the glorious music of green hill zone, chemical plant zone, angel island, hydrocity, flying battery... i could go on.

Watching this after the nintendo conference has definatly dampened my nintendo spirits.

Super Smash Bros code: 0903 4196 2445
Wii Address code: 5857 7795 0905 9367 [/img]

A slightly bigger, furrier Sonic with stretchy arms? No comment.

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