E308 | Analysis: E3 2008 Predicitions

By James Temperton 15.07.2008 8

Nintendo @ E3: Staff Predictions

C3 Team :: 14th July 2008

Rushing in frantically at the last minute, a small sampling of prediction, speculation and general musing about what will be and could be on offer from Nintendo at E3 2008. We've smashed our heads together and against the nearest wall in order to try and deliver you some small nuggets of vague wisdom. Feel free to disagree strongly with us by posting below...but you best read the article first.

James Temperton
Monsieur Features

Mike Mason, Reviews Editor

Nintendo's E3 can only be about one thing for me. Well, two. The first is that Animal Crossing Wii is almost certainly about to be revealed, given that they have spent the last two years pointedly omitting it from mention despite clearly being in development (and complete for Japanese release, if some sources are to be believed). I expect it to be Nintendo's most ambitious online venture yet - not that that would take too much effort to best - and can't wait to start paying back debts to manical raccoons once again. If it's not there, boasting genuine evolution of the series and non-N64 graphics alike, heads will roll. Mainly mine, along my desk, in a trail of bitter tears.

The second of the two has got to be Wii Music. This is going to be big if they pull it off, and it's another one that they've kept quiet for much too long now � though unlike Animal Crossing, it's at least appeared before, albeit in basic form a couple of years ago. I can't wait to see what Miyamoto et al's take on the music genre is and if they can live up to their words of having 40 (!) playable instruments.

In addition, I wouldn't be surprised to see the emergence of either a Pikmin or Kid Icarus sequel, the latter of which seems to have been hyped up recently and wouldn't be too surprising with Pit's major role in Smash Bros. Brawl. I'm hoping for a glimpse of Retro's latest mystery project. I anticipate some kind of major third party announcement; I was expecting the Chrono Trigger remake news to be held back as this, but of course Square-Enix spilt the beans early. Finally, Nintendo needs to showcase some big new DS titles, as we've not heard that much on the portable front of late, and of course the storage solution should be mentioned in some capacity to placate the angry masses of 'geeks and otakus' that are (probably) beginning to accumulate at Nintendo's HQ. Note I say 'should be mentioned', not 'will be'.

Image for E308 | Analysis: E3 2008 Predicitions

Jorge Ba-Oh, C3 Overlord

It's E3 week, and we're a little late to the predictions party. We've already had a fair few surprises coming to the Nintendo front, including Capcom's delectable ode to the days of stupidly difficult side-scrolling action: Mega Man 9. The latest Tales game from Namco Bandai is making its way to the Wii and the geniuses at Square-Enix have announced the resurrection of the much-loved Chrono trigger for DS.

E3 is the place for games. Games, games and a whole heap of surprises. This year marks the second since Nintendo's money-maker hit the shelves and it's been a mixed affair. Several big hitters have come out this year, including franchise mash-up Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the latest mushroom scurry in Mario Kart and the best way to let loose the nerdy abs in Wii Fit. So what's to come?

First and foremost…Zelda. The Hylian has been on countless adventures through forests, seas, deathly mountains and even through time and this year will be no exception. There seems to be a pattern emerging since the release of Wind Waker back in 2003. Only a year since its release was there news of a sequel: Twilight Princess, and in 2006 we saw the emergence of Link's DS excursion. It's been 18 months since the great dame from Hyrule landed on our shelves, and I predict a trailer that'll certainly knock your socks off. There won't be anything to play till 2009, but still a small piece of the Zelda pie will be present to tempt you for more.

On a related Nintendo note, Animal Crossing will definitely be at E3, in some form or other. I'm hoping for an updated, refreshing take � seeing players head online and really have as much flexibility as possible for their virtual worlds to thrive. A forecast bringing a famous angel from the clouds will hopefully see Kid Icarus make his long-rumoured Wii debut this week, as well as a few Nintendo-branded games: Mario Tennis, Golf and Wii Music. To cater for the growing amount of information and downloadable treats, Nintendo will discuss storage. Perhaps no give anything concrete away, but propose a solution to the Wii memory issue. Nintendo, or other big third parry, will also step in bringing the conduit to Wii as publisher.

As for third parties � I'm not too hopeful for a list of A-quality games from a lot of the big wigs, but can expect a few unannounced RPGs and adventure games from the Japanese giants. Here's looking at you, Square-Enix! The latest music and casual games will also dominate the stage, with as much guitar licking and drum pounding as one can humanly muster!

Image for E308 | Analysis: E3 2008 Predicitions

Shane J (Phoenixus), News Team

Yep, that time of year again when gaming nerds and otakus alike search out internet access for a conference with a difference. Given the venue, and a strange tendency to have a great conference one year, and a poor one the next, I expect quite a bit out of Nintendo this time round. More on the basis of Quality, and not Quantity.

First off, the mentioned-so-many-times-its-become-essential first showing of Animal Crossing Wii. Expect it to retain the blocky look that so many find endearing, although of course your Mii as a main character will be the exception. Heavy use of Wifi is also a given, even though it won't accelerate to MMO levels thankfully. Tom Nook's Store upgrades from the previous games give a hint for what can be expected here, as your Village prospers into something much more.

Next is the return of an old favourite. I'm betting that whatever Retro Studios, the masterful team behind Metroid Prime, is working on, is a modern update to a classic Nintendo game. Most would say Kid Icarus, but I'd go for something much more unexpected. Something Retro have little experience in, but feel they can hit gold twice with. Mother 3D anyone?

It has to be said, if Nintendo do not announce some viable solution to the Wii's storage issues, the uproar over Ubidays will seem small in comparison. Given their clear objection to piracy and emulation, something the Twilight Hack fix proved immeasurably, Nintendo will most likely choose the easier option, to go in line with their accessibility train of thought, and boost the abilities of the SD Card Slot. Then again, Nintendo have never shied away from a money-making opportunity, and an official Hard-Drive would make them lots, so who knows.

Despite the less-than-stellar treatment from most Developers and Publishers I can name, I expect quite a lot of commotion about key and exciting Third-Party games, ready to show off to the world, and in particular, one surprise exclusive from a known and popular franchise as the show's biggest surprise. Kingdom Hearts 3 is my hope, although at this point, it wouldn't be much of a surprise.

As for Sony and Microsoft's Conferences, a Wiimote-ripoff from at least one of them is expected, along with more on the anticipated PS3 games coming out this year, and hopefully more on those 360 RPG exclusives. Oh, and KOTOR 3 please Bioware.

Image for E308 | Analysis: E3 2008 Predicitions

James Temperton, Features Editor

Seeing as the other staff folk have gone a little bit mad on the predictions front, I'm going to keep mine brief and to the point.

The Wii has been on the market long enough now for what is best known as the 'first wave' of games to come through. Nintendo has chucked out a whole load of major franchises and all the big third parties have all had a fair crack at the system too. We now enter a tricky period and one in which we're going to need developers really pushing on and continuing to improve and innovate. I want to see better and bigger and more ambitious ideas, especially from Nintendo and EA.

Aside from that I think it is key that the online functionality of the Wii improves and expands, something that we'll hopefully see if Animal Crossing rears its fluffy little head.

On the DS front more of the same is essential and it looks like we're going to get it. As a seriously dominant force in the handheld market the DS is going from strength to strength and with wave upon wave of great new software already in the pipeline, E3 should be another great chance for companies to show off what they have to offer.

Whilst I don't think it'll be a classic E3 (I don't know if we'll ever see one of them again in this new-fangled format), but it will be an important one as Nintendo look to build upon current success and push on as they look to have another great year. It'll certainly be interesting!

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If all they have is pikmin 3 I wouldn't be disapointed. I know thats sad but pikmin is like my second fav. series

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Animal crossing seems like a definate (and if it\'s not there will be war) but I still think it will have the same graphics (brushed up but nothing special) which I like (I don\'t see what the complaint is there pretty and suit the game). On the storage issue, I still don\'t know what will Nintendo pull out of it\'s big red Mario styled hat but it better solve the problem.

Hopefully some F-Zero, Star fox and Pikmin but I don\'t have my hopes up for all three. Pikimin at the very least anyway.

( Edited 15.07.2008 01:24 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Awww, where is Raz's input. Smilie

Personally looking forward to Animal Crossing.

Zelda? Eh...I don't know about that. I don't expect it to come out till 2010 at the earliest so we'll see I guess.

As for Animal Crossing. Yeah I think everyone knows that is happening to it's not much of a prediction Smilie

I'm most excited for Wii Music!!! Music and rhythm games are my favorite genre and a Nintendo developed music game ought to be good! I really hope they expand upon just being a conductor...

Yeah I'm looking forward to Animal Crossing, but I don't think there will be any significant upgrades in graphics. It doesn't really need a new look in my opinion. They'll probably add Miis though. I also think they'll hold off on any new Zelda. If they did unveil it I'd be very surprised. I really want to see them use that new attachment, so we can see what it actually does. Smilie

Well, with the new accesory announced im pretty sure there is gonna be a new Zelda. Im kinda sure of Kid Icarus, but I heard that matt c. from ign says it might not be there. That would piss me off alot. Well as long as something cool is announced from Nintendo.

Your predictions are not that wild at all!, in fact all of you play safe lol.

I expect some news on the hardware front as well as AC which was practically confirmed some time ago. I think it could be a new handheld device for the Wii which was made for better compatibility.

A trailer for Pikmin3 at the very least I reckon. A new Animal Crossing to showcase the new handheld, and New Super Mario Bros 2 DS.


Duck Hunt

A new DVD Channel

New Nintendo community focused channel.

New colours of Wii and controllers

I think the big surprise will be Yoshi Island Wii and 2 Zelda Wii Ware games, one of which will be shown. A new trailer for a new Wii Zelda to top it all off.

Where\'s SLs predictions?

( Edited 15.07.2008 08:21 by Linkyshinks )

The people above are the only ones who got in in time for this, as we did it veeeery quickly over the last couple of days.

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