Capcom Talks Resident Evil 0 For Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2008 12

Capcom have spilled the beans on the upcoming Resident Evil port for Wii, complete with a lack of Wii remote gestures.

Despite hopes for more Wii-specific functionality it seems like the game will have some interesting uses for the Wii controllers, but still keeping within the original game's design. According to the NeoGAF readers it seems that there'll be no new game modes put into place, but will have better audio and visual compression over the GameCube outing.

There won't be any Wii remote gestures, but can be used to move the partner character (via D-Pad) and aiming by holding B and pressing A.The 1+2 buttons are implemented to access the player's status, map and to rest their partners.The nunchuck is used for movement.

Those wanting more traditional control can use the Classic or GameCube versions instead.

Box art for Resident Evil 0
Also known as

Resident Evil Zero









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (13 Votes)

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I thought this was already out? Won't apply to us anyway, considering I doubt it's coming west-side. Got the original Gamecube game anyway. It's awesome.

So, this an ultra-budget release I take it... <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It was dumb project from the start, it's no loss at all. It's only going to be bought by the hardcore Resi fans in Japan who will eat stuff like this up anytime. When are Capcom going to release a new good zombie game on Wii. Later this year other formats will be getting their fill..

Well if there's nothing special being added to the original game, then what's the point of remaking it? Lazy third party developers...

IF it's widescreen, 480p and they upgraded the compression on the cinematics to get rid of artifacts present on the GC version, then a $24.99 pricepoint would make me consider buying it. If not, then my GC version will do just fine.

Now, for a Resident Evil 2 remake...

They'll port them all. Resident Evil 2, Nemesis and Veronica. Just so they can give us the finger by releasing an "all in one" package version, for the price of a normal Wii game.

It'll be Mario All-Stars all over again. You'll see, you'll all see. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Mario All Stars was fine though because;

a) They didnt remake them seperately FIRST, they remade them as a bundle. If they did this with the Res games, it would be fine.

b) It gave westerns the chance to play LostLevels. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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i hope it stays in japan. its useless.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.
Guest 14.07.2008#9

Now all they need to do is remake Resi 4...what, they have?!Smilie

Seriously why are they remaking this if it isn\'t going to have any Wii specific content?

( Edited 14.07.2008 13:49 by hexpunK )

Not to nitpick but the boxart is showing RE2 not RE0. Also, the PAL boxart is a lot cooler than the one in the US.

( Edited 14.07.2008 17:05 by Robertd1138 )

They shud remake RE4 style, that wud be awesome.

This is just an excuse to keep Wii fans sweet for not getting Resi5!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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