Star Wars: Battlefront III Comes To Wii/DS?

By Mike Mason 13.07.2008 11

In a listing since removed (more than likely at the behest of LucasArts), online retailer Amazon have outed a secret project - the third main title in the popular first/third person shooter series, Star Wars: Battlefront III. The game was said to be coming to Wii and DS, as well as PSP, PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360.

After a little searching and poking contacts, IGN Wii are speculating that the developers of the title are none other than Free Radical, the folks behind the Timesplitter series and, more recently, Haze on Playstation 3.

This would fit in with previous rumours that we have reported on: firstly in October 2006, wherein CVG stated that Free Radical were dealing with the next game in the Battlefront series (here), and secondly just last month as disgruntled ex-employees laid off from LucasArts spoke about the existence of a third Battlefront game (here). No more information is available at this time, but keep 'em peeled...

Thanks to IGN Wii for the information, and to C3 reader Stulaw for the news tip.

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Hmm, i liked the first battlefront, i remember Battlefront 2 being fairly similar to the first. I could be wrong about that though.

Im not sure if Battlefront could work out on the DS. If would be a half arsed effort most likely. Unless they could make it something like Metroid Prime Hunters.


Anyways, can't wait for this. I've loved the two Battlefronts so I'm sure I'll love this as well.

Battlefront 1 and 2 were both great fun play. Battlefield + Starwars goodness. Hopefully they put in a lot more new additions and etc to #3.

If the timesplitters team are developing it, it would be really good.

I remember Battlefront. It was the first multiplayer I ever played, and the people on there were assholes. But I never really liked the idea of FPSs on the DS after playing Metroid- Hunters. Smilie

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

Captain America said:
I remember Battlefront. It was the first multiplayer I ever played, and the people on there were assholes.

What! The SWBF community is one of the best ever online communities (I still play it EVERYDAY), you've obviously never played COD4 so!

This is the best news ever lol, I can't fucking wait for this the sequel to my favourite shooter ever!!! Smilie

I don't know, maybe it was just the PC version. But I distinctly remember glitchers ruining the fun on more than one occasion. Smilie

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill

That's why we can boot them.

Yes! *fist pump*
I wonder if they're keeping the Space Battle glitch and the Invincibility cheat...Smilie

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

PK Mongoose said:
Yes! *fist pump*
I wonder if they're keeping the Space Battle glitch and the Invincibility cheat...Smilie

Why would they? They were glitches!

starwarsnerd (guest) 07.03.2010#11

this is awesome BATTLEFRONT FOR WII!!!:-Smilie this is what I've been waiting for, for like 2 years!!!

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