The Stakes Are High on Nintendo DS as Buffy Returns

By Adam Riley 11.07.2008 6

505 Games today announced a deal with Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising to unleash an official new game based on the world-famous Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise, exclusively for the Nintendo DS.

Currently under development by Romanian studio Beast, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sacrifice combines third-person and first-person gameplay to create an experience like nothing else on Nintendo DS. The stakes are high for players as they take on the role of Buffy to seal the re-opened Hellmouth in an original story penned by Rob Deshotel, a writer from the TV series.

This action-packed 3D survival horror game sees Buffy using a range of special weapons, powerful spells and martial arts to take out vicious vampires and demons. In addition to these enemies, players also come across recognisable characters from the show, including Spike, Angel, the Master, the First Evil, Caleb and, of course, the Scooby Gang.

"This is a fantastic opportunity for 505 Games and we're working extremely closely with Fox to ensure this is the definitive Buffy the Vampire Slayer experience. Buffy's return to videogames is great for long-time fans of the franchise and we hope the huge market reach of the Nintendo DS will help to create new fans too."
- Rowan Tafler, Global Brand Manager, 505 Games.

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a franchise that continues to excite people around the world. Although there are no new productions of the series there is an enduring legacy that lives on through syndication, comic books and video games like these. We're sure DS players are going to love this version."
- Elie Dekel, Executive Vice President Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising.

  • Play as Buffy the Vampire Slayer through 24 levels using a third person camera.
  • Unlock and use more than 20 types of unique Slayer weapons.
  • Fight more than 12 different level bosses and sub-bosses, including First Evil, the boss of all bosses.
  • Play "Challenge Mode" in first-person for fast-paced action and an increased difficulty level.
  • Solve puzzle missions to unlock new areas.
  • Collect spells to increase Buffy's supernatural and physical abilities.
  • Explore 12 dynamic environments and search for up to four hidden ones.
  • Use breakable objects located within in all environments to battle demons and vampires.
  • Unique story set after the climactic seventh season of the TV series, written by Rob Deshotel, one of the original writers of the TV series.
  • Explore locations from the TV show, including Sunnydale High, the Bronze and the Hellmouth.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sacrifice will be available exclusively throughout Europe on Nintendo DS November 2008.

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Nice pun, that's all I can really say lol. The first two seasons of buffy were kind of cool, but then it became dull.

"Romanian studio Beast" It seems like many fledgling companies are now based or basing themselves in the eastern Europe to keep costs down.

Let's just say this game is... staking a claim to your DS this November.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sacrifice combines third-person and first-person gameplay to create an experience like nothing else on Nintendo DS

I wouldn't stake my reputation on it. My doubt-o-meter is 'dinging' so much that I'm not even going to bother reading reviews to see how bad this is.

/prejudice+bad puns

Less posty, more gamey.

*groans at title*

"Although there are no new productions of the series "

Theres an official, canon, Season 8 comic series written by Joss and many of the original writters.

Its utterly fantasic. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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LoL, there is probably nobody more exited about this than me. I LOVE BUFFY.

Yeah your probably right, I can't see many people excited about this. Smilie

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