First Mega Man 9 WiiWare Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.07.2008 18

The first snippets of gameplay from the upcoming Mega Man 9 have leaped onto the web.

Complete with classic enemies, similar tunes and presentation to the 8-bit wonders, it sure seems like a fantastic tribute to the blue wonder's former days.

Recently released screens can also be found in the game's album below, incase you missed it.

Box art for Mega Man 9





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (10 Votes)

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Awesome Smilie

i cant wait for reviews lol

it not the best looking game but on the other hand that how they wanted it to look so XD

i for one love the idea

Looks funny. Too bad I don\'t have any points Smilie.

( Edited 07.07.2008 12:46 by zcollvee )

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

looking good Smilie

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Looks awesome. Been really into retro Mega Man outings lately. Always had a soft spot for III Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That video sure is a snippet lol. The music is excellent and so typical of the past games, it\'s just how I hoped it would be be. The sprites and colours used look great. It\'s nice to see that conveyor belt in action also.

Oldschool Mega Man with no flicker and slowdown looks awesome, I just hope that it\'s also in keeping with the level of difficulty. I want this to be as mega hard as the first one was the first time I played.

This game looks like a love letter to fans, made by fans. Cannot wait to see more with hopefully a full trailer soon.

Mega Man 2 is on the Virtual Console if you have a 500 points to spare. If you already have SMB3 it\'s well worth it. You will not regret the purchase at all.

( Edited 07.07.2008 13:06 by Linkyshinks )

sexy music Smilie

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

Wat capcom hav decided to do with this game is pure genius. How many times have we game developers saying that thay're taking their franchise back to it's roots (i'm looking at u sega), but capcom r literally doing juat that. Midway did a similar thing with Ultimate MK3, but this is an entirly brand new game. It's great that they're releasing it exclusivly for Wii (probably as a homage to the old 8-bit megaman games for NES), and that they're suitably making use of the wii ware platform. I'd love to see the same thing done with a certain blue hedgehog. Sonic hasn't been the same since he stopped saving his little animal friends from being animal based robots built by Dr. Robotnic.

Super Smash Bros code: 0903 4196 2445
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-orion456- said:
Wat capcom hav decided to do with this game is pure genius. How many times have we game developers saying that thay're taking their franchise back to it's roots (i'm looking at u sega), but capcom r literally doing juat that. Midway did a similar thing with Ultimate MK3, but this is an entirly brand new game. It's great that they're releasing it exclusivly for Wii (probably as a homage to the old 8-bit megaman games for NES), and that they're suitably making use of the wii ware platform. I'd love to see the same thing done with a certain blue hedgehog. Sonic hasn't been the same since he stopped saving his little animal friends from being animal based robots built by Dr. Robotnic.

I agree entirely, have a star Smilie Nobody knows if it's exclusive yet though Smilie

As cool as it would be I would doubt SEGA would be doing something of the sort anytime soon. If they did I would want them to take all the best aspects of the early games and have the best level designers put to hard work to create the best strictly 2D Sonic ever.

If this game does as well as I think it will we could well see a barrage of such games from other developers new classics put on Wii Ware.

It looks pretty fun. i havent played any of the NES Mega Man games. I have one, but my NES resets every minute or so. I wonder how much this will be, though. I'm thinking 1500 or 2000 points probably.

I just wish there wasn't as much text blocking our view of the game in motion. From what I could see though, it definitely looks like a hark back to the golden days of Mega Man games. Smilie

k08lpfan said:
It looks pretty fun. i havent played any of the NES Mega Man games. I have one, but my NES resets every minute or so. I wonder how much this will be, though. I'm thinking 1500 or 2000 points probably.

IMO it'll be 1000 points tops, else Capcom run the risk of gamers possibly overlooking it as too expensive!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah 2000 would be pretty outrageous Smilie

I think it will be somewere between 800 - 1000

-orion456- said:
Wat capcom hav decided to do with this game is pure genius. How many times have we game developers saying that thay're taking their franchise back to it's roots (i'm looking at u sega), but capcom r literally doing juat that. Midway did a similar thing with Ultimate MK3, but this is an entirly brand new game. It's great that they're releasing it exclusivly for Wii (probably as a homage to the old 8-bit megaman games for NES), and that they're suitably making use of the wii ware platform. I'd love to see the same thing done with a certain blue hedgehog. Sonic hasn't been the same since he stopped saving his little animal friends from being animal based robots built by Dr. Robotnic.

You beat me too it. Starred. In fact, I have a strong ambition to make that very game. In true geek style, I've got the zones all planned out, with musical ideas and templates. I'm going to start doing concept art next. Then to actually make the thing, which is much quicker to say than to do. Will take a fair old while, but I'll enjoy every moment.

I'm absolutely neutral to Megaman, never played it before. But this does look sweet.

Less posty, more gamey.

I am guessing it will cost 1500 Wii Points.

Artmonkey, you need a Megadrive Emulator and this website:
Have fun Smilie
I reccommend trying Megamix. That site in general could help you if you plan making your own hack/game.

Yeah, I still want SEGA to pull a Megaman 9 with the Sonic series.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

umm...looks like they have just played with the old engine. AGAIN.
Seriously, any other series and a company would be critised for just changing level data. But they did that time and time again on the NES...bah.

I did like Network Transmision on the cube though.
Another like that please? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Network Transmission was very poorly received though.

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