Masahiro Sakurai Discusses Smash Bros. Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.07.2008 35

Masahiro Sakurai recently discussed the prospect of having to consider a Smash Bros. sequel in the future.

Since heading the Wii version the legendary designer had always taken the approach that it would be the last in the series, but recently speaking to ONM, he's expressed concerns that he may have to consider ideas for a potential sequel. Sakurai goes onto reveal that certain undisclosed features and characters had to be cut due to time constraints, along with the need to do something fairly different to justify a sequel.

It's taken over three years to make Brawl but I actually stopped trying to include new ideas early on in development.

What happened in the next year and a half was that we distilled the game down, worked out which ideas we had time to include and which we didn't. Sadly, we had to trim out many great concepts just to keep within the time constraints. I had a lot more characters, for example, but sadly I can't discuss which ones didn't make it.

There are 39 characters in the game this time around and just adding a few more wouldn't be enough to justify a new game in my opinion; I'd have to draw a line in the sand and have a new approach to make it worthwhile. As long as the fans enjoy it, though, that's what matters and in the distant future, I guess that might be something I have to consider.

Fans had critised the game for a lack of variety between some characters, and disappointment at the inclusion of multiple clones.

With that in mind, would you support a sequel or updated version of Smash Bros. Brawl? Do you feel that features that made it this time round that could have been better?

Thanks to C3 reader mOojc for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Oh a new one's coming? Big shocker there.

Well I hope they don't change it around too much. But yeah it does need something new.

It doesn't actually confirm that there will be a new one. Inevitably there will be at some point, but that isn't the point of this article. The point is that Sakurai is considering how he could theoretically make one so that it would be worthwhile.

Smilie We missed out on characters? Bah, I'd rather have waited an extra year for more characters. XD That said, Brawl's roster is still awesome. Smilie

Yea the fact that Sakurai had so much more planned.... I wish they had made it into Brawl, especially the characters he had to cut!

I'm pretty sure the cut characters were only the forbidden 7. Maybe more but I personally doubt it. They would have all been clones other than 1 or 2 anyway. By the way the Forbidden 7 are:

Nothing too exciting anyway, shame bout Mewtwo and Roy though.

But I agree with Sakurai, a new Smash game wouldn't be worth it unless it included enough new features. Smash isn't FIFA or even Mario Kart. I think it needs dlc, more online modes, voice chat, more options etc.

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Those criticisms levelled at the game are perfectly valid. The game could have easily have done without some characters and the inclusion of some of those Trophy characters being fully fledged instead. Voice Chat among Wii Friends is essential next time around. More depth certainly, they dumbed it down, it\'s happening all the time with Wii versions of classic games. It\'s not something fans will ever appreciate. My own biggest criticism with the game is the terrible lag I endure, it makes me switch of my console at times and face the flack.

I don\'t think they should put out a new game until they have network code that can pull it off well enough. It\'s a shame that MK provides a seamless experience in complete contrast because of predictive AI network code that racing games can use. I am eager to see if Capcom who have experience in the genre can be the first company to provide a online fighter that does not face the same lag problems.

Brawl is such a meaty game content wise it\'s hard to see where it can be improved upon, but given a few more years with Brawl many will have a long list ready.

I will never say no to a new Smash game but if they cannot provide something genuinely new then they should not bother.

( Edited 06.07.2008 12:35 by Linkyshinks )

Brawl is a great game, but at the same time it is not a leap forward, which is fine, because it still has loads of content and is only the third in the series, considering we get one per console that\'s fine by me.

I hope they mix it up a bit for the next one though, with a new approach. Keep the classic stuff in there but have something new as well.

But network stuff would be the main thing really. And less clone characters. But partly the new game\'s approach will be dictated by the new consoles approach, and clearly Nintendo are going to go for some kind of new peripheral.

( Edited 06.07.2008 12:40 by Wiill )

Anyone suffering from lag should get a LAN Adaptor and then see if they can still complain. Smilie

( Edited 06.07.2008 13:06 by SuperLink )

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I don\'t usually say this about Nintendo franchises, but I hope they just leave it alone at Brawl. Thinking about it, there is very little they could possibly do in a sequel; even some reviews for Brawl criticised it for smacking of Melee v.2.

Maybe a toned down, but refined DS Smash would work, or maybe they can think of enough new ideas to merit making another �40 game, but I know I wouldn\'t be weeping if we didn\'t see another Smash until Nintendo has another 10 IPs.

( Edited 06.07.2008 14:05 by D_prOdigy )

I can't be the only one who loves Smash so much that I'd buy another one on the spot if it had 10+ more characters, better gaming mechanics and better online modes/voice chat?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I am with u SL I would pay a full $50 for 10 characters and more cool modes. But ppl were taking about nintendo and I will die in my grave if they do. But Im all up for being unhappy with the game and doing whatever to get an update. We need a game plan!!!!

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Tbh, I dotn see the problem with another one. Bring it on! More chars and modes is great, yes maybe it would be a rehash but thats what the hardcore fans want. If casuals dont like it, F off and play Big Beach Party. I also have begged for Smash DS since the DS came out. It just would work!

And howd U know those characters SL? The forbidden 7. Was it a hacked game disc?

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Yeah they were found in scraps under lots of disc data. There are only tiny pieces of data on them, Mewtwo's is the most complete but none of them will ever be near playable.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't think Smash Bros has reached anywhere near saturation point as a franchise, thanks to Nintendo holding back and only releasing one per generation. If they were releasing one every couple of years I could see the complaint, but not at the rate they do them.

brawl, most disappointing game for me this gen

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

This is Nintendo's chance to get in and really nail some solid quality DLC. Smash Bros as a standalone game should be left well alone for at least a generation.

Less posty, more gamey.

TBH, sometimes i find that the fun of "clone" characters is that the little subtle differences makes a good player use them quite differently. Not that i dont agree that there should be less "cloning"

Wolf is a very good character and I don't find myself complaining about his moveset at all. If all clones were as different as he is I wouldn't have a problem.

I mean they could give Ganon some moves with a sword for the next game. Or dlc to improve movesets or patch. dlc is perfect for Smash.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't think he's confirming a new game 100%, but it is good to know that he would be willing to make a new one.

SuperLink said:
Anyone suffering from lag should get a LAN Adaptor and then see if they can still complain. Smilie

Unless your far way from the router or have very thick walls a Lan adpater probably won\'t help that much.
The net code just seems to be a bit poo.

( Edited 06.07.2008 19:48 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

artmonkey said:
This is Nintendo's chance to get in and really nail some solid quality DLC. Smash Bros as a standalone game should be left well alone for at least a generation.

Too true, this is perfect for downloadable content, bring on Phoenix Wright and Edgeworth as Assist Trophies, either that or it turns the stage into a courtroom with vairying PW characters, wait a mo, let me just e-mail Sakurai about that idea....

Brawl Code 4983-6387-2983
Diamond Code 0387 8628 7636

Even when I played my Wii next to the router, my connection was pretty bad, so it depends on your router maybe.

But for me the LAN Adaptor made an incredible difference and most matches feel almost lagless.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is nice to here but I'd like to see some DLC 1st.

Wiill said:
And less clone characters.

The characters Aren't the standard clones though; they're more Luigified (having some different specials and attacks rather than just replacing strength with speed and vice versa)

Things I didn't like about Brawl:

Some fighting techniques were watered down for noobs. For example the air item grab can be down just by air dodging. This may seem great at 1st, but in a fight with solid snake you can find yourself accidentally catching grenades.

IMO Master pieces and Chronicle are a waste of disc space. I think thats bout it I could complain bout online but alot of times I find that it depends on the people I'm playing. If anything I would've like some inclusion of a party mode similar to coin launcher, but where everyone could help collect trophies together. So If Sakurai wants something new for core and at the same time casual I think that is the route to go as long as he includes the core game and makes every thing else cherries.

Oh yeah Mega Man, Geno, and after being stomped so many times Im thinking maybe even Waluigi(wheres SL Smilie not in Wario land thoughSmilie) shoud've been playable.

I'm not sure that Brawl has been built with addable characters via DLC in mind unfortunately...I really wish it had, so that they could add more random assist trophies and things to keep it fresh.

Oh yeah Mega Man, Geno, and after being stomped so many times Im thinking maybe even Waluigi(wheres SL not in Wario land though) shoud've been playable.

Caught red handed.

Also, Brawl will never have dlc, but I sure hope the next Smash does.

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