New Wii RPG: Arc Rise Fantasia

By Shane Jury 03.07.2008 9

The Development team behind Luminous Arc on the DS have revealed their newest project; A highly promising Turn-based RPG for the Wii, Arc Rise Fantasia.

In development by Image Epooch and to be published by Marvelous (which gives the game a good chance for release here, as Marvelous has strong ties with Rising Star), Arc Rise Fantasia is a traditional Turn-based Role-Playing Game, and according to a 1up article;

Arc Rise Fantasia is set in the empire of Meridian, which has a bit of a lingering dragon problem. These so-called "contaminant dragons" are nothing but trouble, passing through the nation in great flocks; even if you kill one, the resulting explosion poisons the local area and causes it to look a bit like a Superfund site. When the empire receives word that a massive horde has its sights on the capital of Diamant, it immediately sends out an army to counteract them, including licensed mercenary Bright and his friend Alse, royal prince and second in line for the throne. Bright is severely hurt in the ensuing battle, but is saved at the last minute by a girl named Ryphia who possesses the power to control "ley squalls," naturally-occurring storms of magic that usually take the form of luminous rain.

Image for New Wii RPG: Arc Rise Fantasia

Image for New Wii RPG: Arc Rise Fantasia

Be sure to check out more screenshots of the game below, and the official website for the game here:

Box art for Arc Rise Fantasia





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (1 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Yay more SRPGs. Looks nice. I enjoyed Luminous Arc so I thinking this should be a solid SRPG.

^^ u guys was slow on puting this up it be out for about a week

good to see a old school rpg

( Edited 03.07.2008 09:24 by Jump_button )

Jump_button said:
^^ u guys was slow on buting this up it be out for about a week

Yah, I was about to a little while back, but then forgot about it.Smilie

Anyways, I always welcome more RPGs, especially of the traditional kind. Smilie

This was mentioned somewhere else about a week ago.

Looks nice.

Keeping an eye on this, hopefully its quality.

Wow this looks amazing. This one is on my list.

Wow, RPG! Man, wish i can buy this, but i just dont own a damn wii to play this Shit awesome game.

Sifu Avenger said: Hey, as long as you know all my shadow attacks! (Laughing) Hero Natliusx said: I once died, I also once was reborn to give all my souls to live. (Clenched his hands)

These two screenshots look great! I think this is great graphics here.
I put this game on my list - my 'go-buy-this'-list!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I love JRPGs. The Wii needs more of them.

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