New Sonic Unleashed Details

By Shane Jury 02.07.2008 13

New Sonic Unleashed information has emerged alongside the first Scans of the Wii Version of the game in Nintendo Power.

Taken from the recent issue of Nintendo Power;

-2 goals: entertain with trademark speed and more-refined gameplay in 2D and 3D; new actions for Sonic
-Wii stages share the same themes with PS360 version, but different designs to take advantage of the remote. Helped by Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic Rush teams
-Same actions in different versions: buttons for basic actions, certain actions involve motion control
-Interactive combat sequences using motion sensing in remote and nunchuk
-Quick Step (evade obstacles without slowing), Sonic Boosts (hyper-accelerate/blow up objects)
- Action-Chaining: earn more energy by stringing together actions leading to special moves and shortcuts
- QTE for branching paths like PS360
- No passage of time during levels - day and night cycles are fixed to certain events/locations
- Originally envisioned as Sonic Adventure 3
- No multiplayer or online modes

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Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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Thats one of the main reasons i'm looking forward to it.

Originally envisioned as Sonic Adventure 3

Pfft, you realise that that means nothing? Sonic Heroes was also originally Sonic Adventure 3, as was Sonic 360.

Hell, Shadow The Hedgehog was originally called Sonic Adventure 2.5 by some places.

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No not because of that. In an interview, they said the guy who was behind Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, is helping make this one, hence why i'm so excited for the game.

I'd be more excited if Dimps were making the whole thing to be honest.

Sonic Advance/Rush series is probably better than the 2 Adventure games anyway.

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SuperLink said:
I\'d be more excited if Dimps were making the whole thing to be honest.

Sonic Advance/Rush series is definately better than the 2 Adventure games anyway.

Not that the adventure games were bad.

( Edited 02.07.2008 23:12 by Stulaw )

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I was gonna say definitely but some people would defend SA1/2 too much IMO...

I love SA2, it's probably one of my fave GC games, but maybe only for sentimental reasons. Sonic Advance/Rush series are very good quality platformers.

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Less posty, more gamey.

SuperLink said:
I was gonna say definitely but some people would defend SA1/2 too much IMO...

I love SA2, it\'s probably one of my fave GC games, but maybe only for sentimental reasons. Sonic Advance/Rush series are very good quality platformers.

SA2 was is one of my favourite GC games, maybe because it was one of the first games i completed on it. I\'ve still got it. Can\'t get rid of it(only cost me a fiver way back in 2002).

( Edited 02.07.2008 23:47 by Stulaw )

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NNID: Stulaw

Needs Chao Plzkthnx.

Meh, I have given up on the 3D Sonics. Sonic 2D ftw!.

SuperLink said:
I was gonna say definitely but some people would defend SA1/2 too much IMO...

I love SA2, it's probably one of my fave GC games, but maybe only for sentimental reasons. Sonic Advance/Rush series are very good quality platformers.

I will agree with you that the sonic advance and rush series are great quality games. But i deffinately won't say that Sonic Advance series despite how good it was, was as good as Sonic Adventure, for sure i know it's better than SA2/B.

People who prefer SA2 over SA, i just can't really see how.

For one thing, SA2 was cut down, it removed free-roaming gameplay, something i enjoyed alot from the first one. It also ruined the gameplay in many aspects.

The whole good/evil thing was a good idea. But, the annoying thing was the fact you had to play through the game twice using identical gameplay. Sonic/Shadow [who doesn't love sonic's fast paced levels] so that was okay.

Tails/Eggman, Well thats was complete bollocks confining tails to a machine, i prefered his gameplay in SA, eggman makes sense so i enjoyed it.

Knuckles/Rouge, well.. not much to say, playing through knuckles alone in SA was annoying enough, playing through another whole game where all you do is search for emerald shards was boring, but doing it twice! Now thats bollocks!

They should have had more gameplay options like the first game, it was more fun. Although it's a matter of opinion SA is certainly the better game.

Sonic Rush is better than sonic adventure easily, sonic rush adventure, is okay.. but i think it was slightly ruined by some of the features in the game.

Again, it cannot be a TRUE Sonic Adventure without Chao!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Suppose it to be an adventure? it might be another of crappy sonic team. Smilie

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