Chrono Trigger Remake Confirmed for Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 02.07.2008 41

Following years of waiting, begging from fans and plenty of rumours, it has now been confirmed that Chrono Trigger will indeed be coming to the Nintendo DS in Japan during Winter 2008 thanks to Square Enix. Following a small scan appearing on the Japanese 2CH forum, many believed it to be fake, but the official website can now be viewed proving it is actually real after all. The game will not be a complete overhaul of the original like Final Fantasy III and IV, but will be more of an enhanced port that remains faithful to the classic Super Nintendo RPG that European and Australian fans never got the chance to play back in the '90s. So perhaps we will see added content in the vein of the Final Fantasy Advance GBA ports...

For those unaware of just how good the game is, be sure to read Cubed³'s Retro Review and check out the video clip below, complete with gorgeous soundtrack:

Now we all know why the Virtual Console release has been missing in action...

Update - Square Enix has unleashed the full Press Release for the game, confirming a US release. Considering the normalcy for Europe to be close to the US now as Square Enix moves towards simultaneous worldwide releases, hopefully S-E Europe will reveal something soon:

Square Enix announced today that it will release CHRONO TRIGGER in North America this Holiday season. Remastered exclusively for Nintendo DS, this marks the first time that the groundbreaking RPG will be available on a handheld console.

Originally released in 1995 on Super NES and shipping more than 2.5 million copies worldwide, CHRONO TRIGGER has been hailed as one of the greatest games of all time by critics and fans alike. With a unique and multifaceted storyline, the game revolutionised the world of RPGs with never-before-seen features, including an unprecedented soundtrack and multiple endings determined by side quests and the player's actions.

With artwork by famed manga artist Akira Toriyama and an unprecedented and inspiring musical score created by Yasunori Mitsuda, CHRONO TRIGGER represents the best-in-class of the video game world. This newly revamped edition maintains all of the game's original elements and spirit while introducing the portability, dual-screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality of Nintendo DS. Players will soon be able to rediscover the exhilarating RPG experience, breathtaking storyline and innovative gameplay in the palm of their hands.

When a newly developed teleportation device malfunctions at the Millennial Fair, young Crono must travel through time to rescue his misfortunate companion from an intricate web of past and present perils. The swashbuckling adventure that ensues soon unveils an evil force set to destroy the world, triggering Crono's race against time to change the course of history and bring about a brighter future.

  • A masterpiece with an engaging and unparalleled storyline, leading to the discovery of multiple epic conclusions to a journey that transcends time;
  • An unprecedented and inspiring musical score created by Yasunori Mitsuda;
  • Intriguing battle system made possible by the unique combination of the Active Time Battle system and Tech skills;
  • Famed character designer Akira Toriyama lends his signature art style to create the vibrant world that has captivated gamers around the world;
  • Taking advantage of the Nintendo DS hardware, CHRONO TRIGGER makes its way onto the portable platform with all-new dual screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality;
  • A brand new dungeon and a Wireless Play mode adds exciting new dimensions to this timeless classic.
The official website can be found at

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Is it me, or is the DS quickly becoming the best handheld of all time?SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

My pants... are wet.

I am extremely excited to hear this, bout time! I <3 Chrono Trigger.

DS is a god of RPG now lol

DS is the god of remakes more like it.

( Edited 02.07.2008 10:03 by iCAME )

Nothing wrong with that. Smilie

first.. mega man 9..
then castlevania wii..
then chrono trigger ds..
and we still didnt get to the E3 YET !!

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

Amazing news Smilie They will likely update the graphics and sound like the FF games and DQ.

Nice! Although that youtube clip doesn't get me excited... I never played the game.

Fantastic news!!!!

Can't wait to see more on this, tis an awesome, awesome game! Have been trying to run it on the DS but it's not be so good lol.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

My god, I've been waiting for this for a very very long time. Thank god its finally come. My fave game by a long long shot.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Wow. Seriously..WOW. This was really unexpected.

This is a joke. It's a joke right? It's too good.... to be true... April was 3 months ago guys... So seriously.... stop it...

It's REAL! >.< OMFG!

Yeah the DS is a pretty cool console.

Square DO love us! Smilie

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SuperLink said:
This is a joke. It\'s a joke right? It\'s too good.... to be true... April was 3 months ago guys... So seriously.... stop it...

It\'s REAL! >.< OMFG!

Yeah the DS is a pretty cool console.

Square DO love us! Smilie

Image for

looks real to me lol i hope they add some stuff too make this news more the sweeter

( Edited 02.07.2008 12:00 by Jump_button )

and yesterday I was thinking of getting rid of my DS... Not anymore.

There is an American countdown too, , that is assuming that "na" is north America.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Tim~Tam said:
There is an American countdown too, , that is assuming that \"na\" is north America.

it not a countdown dont u think it odd it the same time as your pc? it just a clock

( Edited 02.07.2008 12:18 by Jump_button )

Yeah it does seem to be the US site but it's not a countdown, it's just a teaser and placeholder.

But hey! Confirmed for Western regions!? Smilie Besides it's gonna be importable (which I shall be doing BTFW). Screw waiting for an EU release. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah sorry, more wanted to say that there is an American site for it.

Man, burned by jump button... Smilie

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Oh wow, another game that won't come out of my DS for age.(It probably wont get into my DS for ages).

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NNID: Stulaw

Never played this legend of a game, so definitely on my list!

Hooray! Can talk about it!

Very much looking forward to this...

Our member of the week

Let\'s try to count all the RPGs yet to be released for the DS (also counting those released in japan but not yet released in the west) :

Dragon Quest 4,5,6 and 9
Final fantasy 4
Tales of Hearts
World Destruction
Black Sigil : Blade of the Exiled
Rhapsody DS
Disgaea DS
Avalon Code
Wind of Nostalgia
Kingdom Hearts whatever (can\'t remember the full name)
Valkyrie Profile DS
Blue Dragon Plus
ASH (which was confirmed for a US release i think)
Fire Emblem DS

i\'m forgetting some... but put this on top of all the others already released...

Hell yeah the DS is a god of RPGs !

SuperLink> The japanese chrono trigger page\'s tags name the page \"Countdown Site\". So it definetly IS a countdown site, but without the countdown guess, so you can\'t tell when they\'re gonna unveil the game first hi-quality pics and maybe video clips.

( Edited 02.07.2008 14:10 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

omg this is amazing news, I love chrono trigger its such an awesome game, pretty cool its for ds too Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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With all these RPGs from Square-Enix on the way, i doubt that a Final Fantasy V,VI and VII remake EDIT:wont come until the next Nintendo Handheild.

( Edited 02.07.2008 20:08 by Stulaw )

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
With all these RPGs from Square-Enix on the way, i doubt that a Final Fantasy V,VI and VII remake will come until the next Nintendo Handheild.

Yeah, which is a damn shame, unless of course it means FFVI remake has amazing graphics Smilie

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