Konami Confirms Nintendo Wii Castlevania Fighter

By Adam Riley 01.07.2008 8

Konami today announced that Castlevania Judgment, the first Castlevania title in the fighting game genre, is currently in development exclusively for Wii. Developed by legendary Castlevania series producer Koji "Iga" Igarashi, Castlevania Judgment bridges the past with the present as it pits several generations of the Belmont clan against a host of characters that span the franchise's 22-year history.

"We wanted to take this addition to the signature Konami franchise in a direction that really sets it apart from the previous Castlevania titles in the series. The Wii Remote and Nunchuk capabilities, along with the iconic characters, make this game the ideal entry point into the fighting game genre. This combination is certain to thrill old and new fans of the franchise."
- Anthony Crouts, Vice President of Marketing for Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

With 3D environments rendered on Wii, players can choose sides in an epic battle of good versus evil using iconic Castlevania characters designed by famed manga artist Takeshi Obata. Using the motion-sensing controls of the Nunchuk and Wii Remote, players can slash, stab and whip their way across a variety of stages and environmental elements with various surrounding objects as weapons. Select characters can also set traps and make use of monsters on the field to achieve victory in a clash of epic proportions. As an added bonus, players are also able to compete head-to-head using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and connect with Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia on the Nintendo DS to unlock bonus gameplay content.

Castlevania Judgment will be released in North America during Autumn 2008 on Wii.

Box art for Castlevania Judgment








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Okay, okay. So it is a bit of a let-down since it isn't a true Castlevania game for a console, but, Konami deserves some credit for trying something new, supporting the Wii, and actually putting Wi-Fi capabilities into a Wii game (which is an unexpected and pleasant surprise).

I do wonder if the "stages" it speaks of are actual stages, maybe in the vein of SSBB, or just the level on which you are fighting someone.

Who knows, this could actually turn out to be a good game.

samus_boy said:
Okay, okay. So it is a bit of a let-down since it isn't a true Castlevania game for a console, but, Konami deserves some credit for trying something new, supporting the Wii, and actually putting Wi-Fi capabilities into a Wii game (which is an unexpected and pleasant surprise).

I do wonder if the "stages" it speaks of are actual stages, maybe in the vein of SSBB, or just the level on which you are fighting someone.

Who knows, this could actually turn out to be a good game.

I agree, but this isn't going to help Wii's already skewed image as a system stuffed with low budget, half hearted ports and spin-offs instead of the ligitimate high quality sequels/prequels PS3 and 360 are getting. With Wii already having a well documented history of cheap, un-inspired spin-off crap, it's hard to stay optimistic. Well, here's hoping. *crosses fingers*

I'm still waiting for Namco-Bandai to get off their lazy asses and give us our Legend of Zelda fighter. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Well there's online support so that's cool. I don't expect great things but I know it will be great fun to play.

MechaG2 said:
I agree, but this isn\'t going to help Wii\'s already skewed image as a system stuffed with low budget, half hearted ports and spin-offs instead of the ligitimate high quality sequels/prequels PS3 and 360 are getting.

In general, you\'re right, but I can\'t agree with you in this case b/c there is no Castlevania announced for the PS3 and/or Xbox 360 yet. So, I don\'t see it the same way as RE: UC verus RE5 or Soul Calibur Legends versus Soul Calibur 4.

MechaG2 said:
I\'m still waiting for Namco-Bandai to get off their lazy asses and give us our Legend of Zelda fighter. Smilie

I think that is next up right after Pac-Man: The Power Pellet Battles.

( Edited 02.07.2008 00:49 by samus_boy )

3D environments...*groan*

You know those poos when there's no need to wipe? They just slide right out and into the bowl like an olympic diver, no splashback, nicely tapered at the end. They're great.

I think I might have a salad for lunch. Or I've got those tuna rolls from yesterday to finish up. Might have to nip to the shops. Have we still got any of that caramelised red onion chutney from Morrisons? I hope so, those little extras really make a salad. Or a ploughmans. Ooo, or I could have cheese and biscuits with some of those Carr's Melts......

Less posty, more gamey.

Sounds pretty so-so. Online sounds decent though, good to see more third party push for online play!

I'm guessing they'll also announce a WiiWare traditional effort too, probably.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Agreed. This isn't that great. But it sounds, as they try to pull it at least all the way through. I habe my doubts for SC Legends (As it isn't out here in Europe), and they want to make a similar game. But already with Wifi and Online, there seems to be more into it then in SC Legends. I sure hope they pull of great graphics. They can do it...!

It basically will be something like SC Legends or the game of Mortal Kombat with these monks some years ago.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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