Nintendo Sees Success with Mario Baseball on Wii in Japan

By Adam Riley 01.07.2008 2

Earlier today Cubed³ offered up the Media Create sales from the week when Metal Gear Solid 4 launched on PS3 in Japan and now here is last week's chart, showing how the PlayStation 3 topples back down to levels lower than both Wii and Nintendo DS again, yet still more than double what it HAD been selling prior to MGS4's release. Nintendo's Super Mario Stadium starts strong on the software front as MGS4 plummets quickly to 68,000 as the poor userbase of the PS3 kicks into effect, stunting the game's performance considerably. SEGA also sees a return to the Top 10 with its DS baseball game, which was thought to have collapsed after hitting No.1 a few weeks ago then disappearing down the charts like a rocket. Clearly the game was supply constrained and barges its way back in at No.9, bringing its sales total to nearly 100,000 units.

Check out the software Top 50 and hardware listings below:

Media Create Top 50:
16th-22nd June, 2008

PositionTitle/System/PublisherSales (Plus Total Where Available & Commentary)
1.)Super Robot Wars A PORTABLE (PSP, Bandai Namco)102,000 | NEW
2.)Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3, Konami)68,000 | 533,000
3.)Super Mario Stadium Family Baseball (Wii, Nintendo)58,000 | NEW
4.)Harulanaru Toki no Naka de 4 (PS2, Koei)55,000 | NEW
5.)Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo)33,000 | 1,477,000
6.)Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo)32,000 | 2,258,000
7.)Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP, Capcom)21,000 | 2,224,000
8.)Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 3 (PSP, Konami)19,000 | 206,000
9.)Beautiful Letter Training (NDS, Nintendo)18,000 | 302,000
10.)Let's Make a Pro Baseball Team! (NDS, Sega)11,000 | 96,000
11.)Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo)A non-mover that resides at nearly the three million mark now, according to Famitsu
12.)DS Misa Yamamura Suspense: Kyoto Murder Files (NDS, Tecmo)Tecmo wanted 200,000 units of the first game sold, which it achieved, but this sequel is seeing sluggish sales with just 61,000 sold so far and falling three this week. The other was a slow burner, though, so this may follow the same pattern
13.)Meccha Taiko Drum Master DS: Adventure in Seven Islands (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Falling one, but already at the 210,000 mark in a short time and hanging on better than its predecessor originally did. Bandai Namco's expectations are 400,000 sales and it looks like that could easily be reached
14.)Hisshou Pachinko/Pachislo Capture Series DS, Vol. 2 CR (NDS, D3 Publisher)Amassing decent second week sales of around 10,000 units despite falling from No.6
15.)Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit (PS3, Bandai-Namco)Slipping quickly down from No.7, with sales just over 100,000, showing that neither the 360 or PS3 can bring the strong DBZ sales seen on the PS2 previously
16.)Family Trainer (Wii, Bandai-Namco)Down just two; sales are now around 71,000 units and this looks like easily breaking the 100,000 barrier in a short space of time
17.)Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo)The lure of an extra controller is clearly stronger than ever, with sales now at around 2.4 million in total
18.)Mysterious Dungeon: Fuurai no Shiren 3 (Wii, Sega)Down from No.10 and whilst sales are not quite as strong as the DS edition, it is fast approaching the 100,000 sales mark, residing at ~78,000 now and selling healthily at the moment
19.)Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)Dropping just two and at over 3.1 million sales and still going strong
20.)Valhalla Knights 2 (PSP, Marvelous Entertainment)Falling five, around 65,000 units in total
21.)We're Fossil Diggers (NDS, Nintendo)Down three for the real surprise hit of recent months, now at around 150,000 sales and chugging along nicely
22.)Empty Space Training (NDS, Benesse)Back up two places
23.)Pok�mon Ranger: Batonnage (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Falling four, and sales are slow-but-steady for this sequel, with it nearing 575,000 units in total
24.)Endless Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Back up one and appearing to be stabilising now, with sales around the 110,000 mark
25.)Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)Down one place for the game that has just stormed the UK this week, becoming the third fastest selling Wii title there behind Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii
26.)Puyo Puyo Special Price (NDS, Sega)Re-entry at a lower price, selling around 4,400 units this week, whilst the Wii edition moves 1,100, just missing out on the Top 50
27.)New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)Non-mover, crossing the 5.2 million threshhold this week according to Famitsu numbers
28.)Pok�mon Diamond (The Pok�mon Company)Moving up two places
29.)Link's Crossbow Training (Wii, Nintendo)Falling seven, but now at around 192,000 units
30.)More TOEIC Test DS Training (NDS, IE Institute)Falling seven spots
31.)Spectral Force Genesis (NDS, Idea Factory)New entry, with around 3,600 sales according to Famitsu
32.)Tottadoo! Yoiko no Mujintou Seikatsu (NDS, Bandai Namco)Down six places
33.)Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2 the Best) (PS2, Konami)Non-mover
34.)Pok�mon Pearl (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Leaping ten places this week
35.)Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)Falling four, but crawling to another 4,200 sales this week and currently at 4,676,000 in total according to Famitsu, meaning at this rate 5 million seems likely sometime next year
36.)Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops+ (PSP, Konami)Up three places
37.)Kanji Test + Kanji Brain (NDS, IE Institute)Falling five
38.)Fushigi? Kagaku: Nazotoki Quiz Training - NazoTore (NDS, Bennesse)Down another four spots
39.)Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo)Sliding three
40.)Tea Dog's Room 3 (NDS, MTO)Up one place
41.)More English Training (NDS, Nintendo)Continuing its ascent once more, up a further seven
42.)Battalion Wars II (Wii, Nintendo)Down from No.29
43.)99 Tears (NDS, Bandai Namco)Falling again, this time eight places
44.)SimCity DS 2 (NDS, EA)Down from No.37
45.)Gyakuten Saiban (New Best Price! 2000) (NDS, Capcom)Back up two places
46.)Taiko no Tatsujin DS (NDS, Bandai Namco)Re-entry and with sales reaching 425,000 and its sequel storming the top end of the charts, the Drum Master series seems to have definitely found a new home on Nintendo formats!
47.)Gyakuten Saiban 3 (New Best Price! 2000) (NDS, Capcom)Re-entry
48.)Sorayume (PS2, Takuyo)New entry with about 1,600 units sold
49.)Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4 (Wii, Koei)New entry, with roughly 1,500 sales
50.)Mario & Sonic at Olympic Games (NDS, Nintendo)Re-entry

Media Create Hardware Chart

FormatThis WeekLast Week2008 SalesLifetime Sales
PlayStation Portable59,35164,6752,077,1009,678,694
Nintendo DS36,59939,2011,564,73622,737,787
PlayStation 320,33675,311533,3452,175,021
PlayStation 26,3467,297255,60821,182,645
Xbox 3602,5552,16367,405574,746

Tomorrow will see finalised numbers for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World on Wii, which started strong on its first day of sale as Cubed³ reported a couple of days ago. Stay tuned to see if it can pull ahead of similarly strong performing Derby Stallion DS from SEGA to claim the No.1 spot, as well as seeing the final numbers for the likes of Band Brothers DX and Famitsu estimates for Disgaea DS and The Tower DS.

Box art for Mario Super Sluggers








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Smilie where ToS?

Tomorrow will see finalised numbers for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World on Wii, which started strong on its first day of sale as Cubed� reported a couple of days ago.

This is last week's chart. This week's won't be released until later tomorrow's leaked Famitsu numbers and Thursday's full Media Create update.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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