Mega Man 9 Confirmed for WiiWare, 8-Bit Style

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.06.2008 32

US magazine Nintendo Power has confirmed that Capcom will be bringing Mega Man 9 to WiiWare.

From the various scans circulating the web, it seems that there'll be a classic 2D side-scrolling style employed for fans of the original outings on the NES and SNES.

Various robot masters have been announced, including Magma Man, Galaxy Man, Jewel Man, Concrete Man, Hornet Man, Tornado Man, Plug Man and oddly enough, Splash Woman. Apparently Dr. Wily makes a return, but this time blaming Mega Man creator Dr. Light for the robots wreaking havoc - it's up to the legendary blue wonder to protest his creator's innocence. Capcom's Keiji Inafune highted the success of the Virtual Console, with the team hoping to create a new Mega Man that doesn't "fit into the grandiose and expansive world that the consumer gaming industry has become, and so you have to make games that match the current expectations."

Those hoping to not have to waggle their Wii remotes about can breathe a sigh of relief with confirmed control: The remote held sideways with the 1 + 2 buttons acting as jump and shoot. Musically the game aims to be as close to the NES versions as possible, stylised with the blips and toe-tapping chimes fans have come to love. Cutscenes will also be crafted in a similar style, tugging as close to the original games as possible.

"The moment you've been waiting for is here! We're not just giving you Mega Man 9, we're giving you a new NES game. This is a game that brings back the fun of the old games, and I hope you all enjoy it!"

Thanks to the NeoGAF's VegaShinra and C3 reader Jump_Button for the tip.

Box art for Mega Man 9





2D Platformer



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XD old school

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sorry about the topic i didt know it was real to i find the scans lol

( Edited 26.06.2008 22:58 by Jump_button )

Sounds great, hopefully will be smooth and sharp. Can't wait to see better screens/videos of it in action Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Personally I hope it'll stay a Wiiware exclusive. After all it'd be a crime for a NES game to go on another console. Smilie

I'm half disappointed at the 8-bit thing, but it's as tribute, AND a parody to the old Mega Man series. Surely it's also aimed at the hardcore audience, otherwise they would have given it a stupid subtitle to rig in new audiences.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 please. Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 please. Smilie

Smilie I dream of the day.

( Edited 26.06.2008 20:19 by iFrit yoyo )


Dreams do come true Smilie

Linkyshinks said:

Dreams do come true Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I love the fact that they are taking it back to its 8-bit roots. In my opinion, Mega Man went down the crapper when it went to the Super NES (the original series, anyway. The X series was great).

I also love that this is essentially a shout out to those of us that can remember buying Mega Man 3 brand new.


( Edited 26.06.2008 21:25 by Blade2t3 )

Best news ever.

Where have those scans gone, I need to crop them so I can post them elsewhere.


idk what happen to the 1st set of scan XD

Going back to shit graphics = good gameplay.

Am I right? Or am I fucking right? SmilieSmilie

This is great news. It's about damn time, Capcom. Although I must say, I can't help but be excited and concerned at the same time. I need more info on it and better quality screens. Sounds very promising, though. Smilie

With Capcom's "Nintendo support" being what it's been over these past few years, I can't help but have the uneasy feeling we'll be getting the inevitable "knife-in-the-back" pretty soon.

I still can't believe the Blue Bomber's 20th Anniversary has come and gone without so much as a wimper. Shame on you Capcom. And where the hell are all our Megaman & Megaman X games for Wii's VC? I gotta get my hands on Megaman X3 for the SNES. By far the best installment to the X series. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Shit in comparison to what exactly, these are Retro graphics ffs Smilie

This is well worth getting if you have a Datel thing for GC. It includes some games that were never releasd here including a Street Fighter 2 type game.

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MechaG2 said:And where the hell are all our Megaman & Megaman X games for Wii's VC? I gotta get my hands on Megaman X3 for the SNES. By far the best installment to the X series. Smilie

I finally settled for the Mega Man X Collection on the GC to get my X3 fix, although I'd much rather have it on the VC, the classic controller is laid out so much better for an X game than is the Cube controller.

Ok shit wasn't the correct word, but as far as I'm concerned my point still stands. What will make this game good just because it has retro graphics? Why not give it a face lift and awesome gameplay ala New Super Mario Bros.

knighty said:
Ok shit wasn\'t the correct word, but as far as I\'m concerned my point still stands. What will make this game good just because it has retro graphics? Why not give it a face lift and awesome gameplay ala New Super Mario Bros.

Well I agree that it would have been a good option, like what they did with Castlevania on XBLA where you could switch. Still, the audience here would not take too kindly to that at all because of what Capcom have done in the past with later games in the series. Most people adore the original sprite and consider it perfection, and later games ruined it. Personally I have to say I prefer it this way. There are some novel graphical updates though, according to that one image above with the text, that\'s definitely new.

EDIT: NSMB is terrible example of how to update a game I reckon, but I wont get into that. I liked it at the time but actually dislike it now. Not enough charm, piss easy gameplay terrible level design!...great woefully underused new items..

( Edited 27.06.2008 01:00 by Linkyshinks )

knighty said:
Ok shit wasn\'t the correct word, but as far as I\'m concerned my point still stands. What will make this game good just because it has retro graphics? Why not give it a face lift and awesome gameplay ala New Super Mario Bros.

People like the NES Megaman graphics, and yeah it\'s probably to play heavily on peoples nostalgia of Megaman2, but It just wouldn\'t really feel the same with bright snes graphics or 3D models on hi res backgrounds.

It\'s like the remade Super Mario Bros on Mario All Stars, it\'s shite compared to the original NES version.

Many people regard megaman on the NES the best ones in the series and it\'s like getting a direct sequal!
If sega released screens of Sonic 4 tommorow using the same sprite work from Sonic3 or 2 i\'m sure alot of people would be happy.

What will make this game good just because it has retro graphics?

No the fact there going with the basic Megaman formula again will make it good, the retro graphics/sound are just a bonus.

( Edited 27.06.2008 01:46 by Blade2t3 )

If sega released screens of Sonic 4 tommorow using the same sprite work from Sonic3 or 2 i'm sure alot of people would be happy.

Orgasm. Sheer orgasm.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That's not the same thing because Sonic 3 had awesome sprite work. Nes games are just an eyesore nowadays, like early N64 games.

While I agree most NES games are pretty awful to look at I don\'t really have much of a problem playing Megaman games.
The Nes look is just far more iconic than any other Megaman style, most of the Megaman games from SNES onwards kind of have a shitty generic animie style thing going on.

( Edited 27.06.2008 02:17 by Blade2t3 )

samus_boy said:
I finally settled for the Mega Man X Collection on the GC to get my X3 fix, although I\'d much rather have it on the VC, the classic controller is laid out so much better for an X game than is the Cube controller.

Yeah, I have it, but I don\'t like the Saturn/Playstation versions at all. Sure the anime cutscenes are tight, but Capcom ought to be hung for what they did to the sfx & music. lol A travesty. I agree about the controller. Although Capcom \"promised\" the GC version was going to have a fully customzable button layout.

I\'m waiting for Capcom to announce the XBLA & PSN \"Megaman 9 Uber DX Super HD Edition with mind blowing graphics and added content and features!!\" Smilie Smilie

Linkyshinks said:
NSMB is terrible example of how to update a game I reckon, but I wont get into that. I liked it at the time but actually dislike it now. Not enough charm, piss easy gameplay terrible level design!...great woefully underused new items..

Blade2t3 said:
It\'s like the remade Super Mario Bros on Mario All Stars, it\'s shite compared to the original NES version.

Whoah! I can\'t believe I just read that! Well, to each their own, I guess.

( Edited 27.06.2008 06:29 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

knighty said:
Going back to shit graphics = good gameplay.

Am I right? Or am I fucking right? SmilieSmilie

no that the style of the game are u really saying it play any better with a update look?

no it will not it play the game so why not go back to the old style

Ooo. I am excited.

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