Super Mario RPG Confirmed for PAL Wii VC

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2008 16

The Australian classification board has given a rating for the Square classic, Super Mario RPG.

Mario and chums starred in a unique tune-based adventure on the SNES in 1996, blending Nintendo's lovable characters with Square's battle systems. Despite being released in Japan and America on the console, Europeans and Australians never had a chance (unless importing or emulating) to play through the unique story. According to Aussie-Nintendo, the OLFC classifications board have rated the title "G", finally confirming a PAL release for the game.

With Japan, America and now Australia penned down for Super Mario RPG, it's only a matter of time before Europeans can play through one of the best SNES RPGs to date.

Thanks to C3 reader mOojc for the tip.

Box art for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (18 Votes)

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Ahh sorry about that JB. Completely forgot about the "submit news tip" function. Will definitely use it more often when I can.

Good to se this coming over in other territories especially since AUS never got this in the first place...

What is this "submit news tip" you speak of, friend?

Regarding this news though, it's brilliant news. I was sceptical about this actually appearing on PAL Virtual Consoles, despite it being confirmed for North America a while back. I didn't think that just because an English version was made, that we would still see it here.

But I'm really glad that's not the case. I've never properly played SMRPG before and when I get a Wii, I look forward to playing it.

HELL YES. Smilie

Cheers mOojc - can't wait for this! Played it on emulator years back, was damn awesome!

What is this "submit news tip" you speak of, friend?

Tis at the bottom of the page or after each news article Smilie I'll make it clearer in future Smilie Tis a way of sending in links to us and all news-capable staff to see a list with alerts flashing up like PMs

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

Yattaaaaaa ! ^^

Gotta go buy new Wii Points now, and then i can download this and one or two Wiiware games since i didn\'t download one yet

( Edited 13.06.2008 11:51 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Fantastic news indeed! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yay! If it's anything like the two Mario & Luigi games were, I'm sold.

Holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy shi shi shi shi shi shi.


"Super Mario RPG will be released in Europe some time in 2009 due to the necessary translating to every language on the planet"

Oh well.

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SuperLink said:
Holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy shi shi shi shi shi shi.


"Super Mario RPG will be released in Europe some time in 2009 due to the necessary translating to every language on the planet"

Oh well.

That's something I just remembered. I think one of the reasons I was not having high hopes for a UK release for SMRPG was because I imagined that they'd have to translate it before it would come here.

Maybe the reason Oz is getting it is because they don't need it to be translated.

Are VC releases done continentally or country-wise? If it's country-wise then they could release it only for UK VCs. If not, then I guess our chances may still be slim.

I'm playing it on the Wii right now Smilie

SuperLink said:
Holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy shi shi shi shi shi shi.


"Super Mario RPG will be released in Europe some time in 2009 due to the necessary translating to every language on the planet"

Oh well.


I could be wrong, but, weren\'t old games (like pre-N64 and some of that console too), only in English, even in other European countries, like Spain? If so, then screw them, release it only in English. I\'m not sure how the VC has been implemented there, that\'s why I ask.

Really, those guys should learn English, it\'s the global language and that can\'t be denied.

No, honestly, I intensely hate Nintendo. They take the time to translate games to lots of different languages in Europe, but they can\'t release Spanish translated versions to Latin American gamers. What\'s more annoying, is the fact that sometimes Europe gets a game first, but when the American release comes, it\'s still totally in English, even when there was already an official Spanish translation.

Seriously, you UK people are always saying how Nintendo hates you and that sort of things. You\'re lucky no not live in South America. We get nearly-zero support. So stop b****ing. At least you can legally download games from the VC...

BTW, when was an American release confirmed? I mean, it was rated on the ESRB like 1000 years ago, but then it was removed. Have I missed something?

( Edited 13.06.2008 17:35 by Light Wolf )

If it appears on the AUS Virtual Console, can't UK gamers just set their consoles to AUS to access their VC?

I'm sure I read about that somewhere.

Hell yeah!

Brilliant... Like so many I've never played this game in melife... and I've heard so many good things about it... so I'm looking forward to downloading it!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Remember playing this, it was soo awesome. They would be stupid not to bring it over here XD

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