Majesco Entertainment Brings Fitness to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2008 5

Majesco Entertainment have announced a swanky new exercised-themed game taking advantage of the Wii balance board.

According to Tech Whack, fitness trainer Jillian Michaels is due to bring his regime to the Wii in his Fitness Ultimatum 2009. The game aims to provide intense workouts using the balance board and motion-based Wii controllers to the home, much like an interactive fitness DVD.

I truly think this type of product will be instrumental in revolutionizing the fitness industry and will help combat the childhood obesity epidemic in this country.

Jillian Michaels speaking on Fitness Ultimatum 2009.

Box art for Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009



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Kids need to go outside, into nature again. Not play 3 different fitness games behind the TV.

Let the stream of fitness games begin.

Yawn. Sounds boring, probably will be a cheap and pointless cash-in. Come on, do some unique things with the god damn board!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

mOojc said:
Let the stream of fitness games begin.

And there was me think developers would come up eith original ideas for the balance board!

Who the hell is "Jillian Michaels" any way?

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