Unused Characters in Mario and Sonic Olympics

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2008 12

Hackers have revealed some unused characters in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.

The game's retail roster includes the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog, Waluigi, Eggman and Blaze the Cat as secondary characters, with the usual cast of Sega and Nintendo folk making up the 16 player roster. According to My Wii a whole heap of characters have been uncovered in the game's unused data, presumably unfinished due to development time or being less known.

Image for Unused Characters in Mario and Sonic OlympicsUnused characters

  • Birdo (Seen in top Picture, Unfinished, Missing Half of Mouth)
  • Donkey Kong
  • Silver
  • Jet
  • Incomplete Characters, playable in certain areas
  • Shy Guy
  • Toad
  • Cloudy
  • Charmy
  • Espio
  • Cream
  • Boo
  • Bullet Bill
  • Goomba
  • Heroes Enemy 1
  • Heroes Enemy 2
  • SA1 Monkey
  • Big
  • Would you have used these characters? Dashing about as a Bullet Bill or doing the high jump with a monkey from Sonic Adventure 1.

    Box art for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games








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    Not that big of a deal to me, but some of the characters seem like they would have been cool to play as.

    More characters is always a welcome addition.

    Hmmmm DK didnt get in? Thats gay. They should have put all those guys in too. I dont like the game anyway lololololol.

    My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

    I read about this on Sonic Stadium a few weeks back too. I think I remember some people saying that the hackers tried to put in character models from characters who didn\'t appear in the game at all. I don\'t remember which ones though.

    Thankfully I hate the guts of every character that was unnused... except Cream and Big, they\'re badass.

    ( Edited 12.06.2008 11:12 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    All the unused Sonic characters are shite (as are 50% of the ones they used). I would've enjoyed playing as a Goomba though.

    Less posty, more gamey.
    Guest 12.06.2008#6

    w00t hax0rs are doing things again...I dont even have the game but I do find this sort of intersting, I just wonder how the hell they figured out how to do this.

    This has mortified me. I've been waiting all my life to play as a Goomba. Once again, it appears we've missed that chance.

    Well, you can..but only in Paper Mario1/2's battle sequences.
    Gombella rules.

    "I just wonder how the hell they figured out how to do this."

    Id guess its more or less just running a "search within file" for a sequence of charecters commonly used in certain 3d formats.
    Then you work out what 3D format its stored in....its very unlike they would make a complete custom one....then just adapt the header and load it in a standard 3D bit of software like Max.

    It is cool what people have done with the ripped twilight princess assets though.

    Cool, and, well sometimes scary;

    Warning, seriously. Technicaly its safe, but your head might implode on viewing.

    I much a much more restrained one myself;

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    Fuck Big The Cat and his damn frog... technicaly a boo can't run/jump anyway. Jet would have been cool though.

    Dritttoolegit said:
    Fuck Big The Cat and his damn frog... technicaly a boo can't run/jump anyway. Jet would have been cool though.
    I hate Jet.

    Boos have been playable in Mario Party + Strikers and have been able to do those things.

    Also, they probably ripped the data off the disc and looked at the character files. They must have been near completion to be in playable form, I can't think of why they were taken out. After Brawl's Japanese release, hackers had ripped the music, trophy and character list within days. That's how the "Forbidden 7" were discovered, unfortunately they weren't in playable form.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Bullet Bill? Were SEGA drunk when making the Bullet Bill character? The rest seem like OK characters tho. It still wouldn't have changed my overall opinion of the game, tho. (very, very average)

    Darkflame said:
    Well, you can..but only in Paper Mario1/2's battle sequences.
    Gombella rules.

    "I just wonder how the hell they figured out how to do this."

    Id guess its more or less just running a "search within file" for a sequence of charecters commonly used in certain 3d formats.
    Then you work out what 3D format its stored in....its very unlike they would make a complete custom one....then just adapt the header and load it in a standard 3D bit of software like Max.

    It is cool what people have done with the ripped twilight princess assets though.

    Cool, and, well sometimes scary;

    Warning, seriously. Technicaly its safe, but your head might implode on viewing.

    I much a much more restrained one myself;


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