Special Edition Brawl Sleeve from GAME

By Shane Jury 10.06.2008 18

Image for Special Edition Brawl Sleeve from GAMEHot off the heels from HMV's special cover for Okami, UK Retailer GAME are offering an exclusive Sleeve for Pre-orderers of Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Over on GAME's Official Website, is some screenshots and videos of the title, along with a picture of the sleeve;

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Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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I prefer the normal one.

I like it.

Looks infintely better than the Brawl box art. Is this for all GAME stores or just in the UK?

Nice! I want it, but I preordered from another store already Smilie. I will try and ebay one

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

just give up the bloody game

... *pre-orders*

I sort of prefer the normal one, but I'd like to have a different cover. Strange how only Europe gets this when our Brawl treatment so far has been pretty crappy.

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Looks shit

It\'s not a new cover, it\'s a sleeve (a box in which a regular copy of the game comes in).

I think it looks pretty cool, but I\'ve already ordered mine from Gameplay. There\'s a chance I may get it a day early too.

( Edited 10.06.2008 09:43 by Marzy )

I'm content with waiting.

I know it will probably dissapoint. But I honeslty don't care. Its Brawl. Its the last of the good games for the Wii I don't have. I'm happy.

Oh it\'s a sleeve, didn\'t get that at first. (was probably tired...) Even better IMO.

Sleeves keep game cases relatively clean. Definitely a good thing, plu it looks pretty good. It\'s the \"proper\" Smash Bros 3 image if you know what I mean. Both previous Smash Bros games featured all the starters on the cover.

So it\'s like the final missing piece... except Mewtwo and Roy.

( Edited 10.06.2008 10:32 by SuperLink )

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Guest 10.06.2008#11

well if my dad did preorder the game like it said on the Wii Fit receipt then I should have this thing, Brawlbumboy you just got served.

Not flaming but he is begging me for it.

Come on hexpunK, you love me really! *stupid bastard* eBay it is then...

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Is this for Ireland aswell? It better be I'll pre-order asap

Can't wait untill it comes out over here. I like the sleeve idea, but i wont get it becsuse usually when i take dvd cases out of the sleeves, I don't put them back in because they don't fit in the dvd rack(except resovoir dogs, which sits on top.

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that is a horrible design for a sleeve.

Well i'm happy because i pre-ordered mine from GAME ages ago.....I think the normal case is inside the sleeve....can't wait even more now!!!

I like the other 1 better. I hope it's optional, because I've already ordered Brawl from GAME.

I saw this yesterday coz I was gonna pre-order it but if you buy from Play.com or HMV the game is �32.99 and on GAME �34.99!! Everylittlehelps! Smilie

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