Tenchu 4 Heads to Wii - Exclusive?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2008 10

The latest edition of Famitsu magazine have confirmed Tenchu 4 as a possible Wii exclusive.

Various tidbits from the latest edition of the magazine have confirmed a release for the 9th installment in the ninja franchise as October 23rd 2008.

Tenchu is a long-running ninja-stealth franchise, following the lives of Rikimaru (??) and Ayame (??) in Feudal Japan. Originally a PlayStation exclusive, the series has since made its way to Nintendo's DS with Tenchu: Dark Secret and Microsoft's Xbox 360 in Tenchu Z.

From Software are said to be in the developer seat according to scans, but also mention Acquire as well - a possible joint project?

Image for Tenchu 4 Heads to Wii - Exclusive?
Image for Tenchu 4 Heads to Wii - Exclusive?

The scans have suggested a Wii exclusive, though lacks official confirmation. In any case, the Wii will be getting ninja treatment later this year!

Thanks to Jeux-France and C3 readers Jump_Button and Linkshinks for the tip.

Box art for Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
Also known as

Tenchu 4









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all way good to have more game just hope they use the wii mote right

Some of those positions that female character's in make it look like a Sex Training game Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This game could be very good. I played the original on the PS one back in the day and know that if they use that game framework to create a Wii game it could be awesome. Wii controls really are perfect for this game. I can easily imagine jumping from rooftop to rooftop using IR and throwing Ninja stars also using IR after locking on and using a gesture.

Tenchu Z on the 360 was a major disappointment as it did nothing new. I hope the fact they are doing this game so soon is a indication of them wanting to take the franchise forward in a innovative direction.

The Wii's first stealth game, I have high hopes for this Smilie

Agreed, looks pretty good from the grainy scans! Hopefully they'll really put a lot of effort into this Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

And if this does well, who knows, perhaps From Software will resurrect the Lost Kingdoms franchise!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Tenchu 4

Don't get caught playing with your Wii...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

jesusraz said:
And if this does well, who knows, perhaps From Software will resurrect the Lost Kingdoms franchise!

Wait, they made those two games?!?Smilie

*Day one purchase*

Lost Kingdoms was... okay... 5 out of 10 imo...

they did Tenchu 1 and 2 for ps1 so i think it in good hands and know what the game is about

LinkyShinks that would be awesome. I was thinking about Tenchu 1 as well and I've blocked out the rest like they don't exist.

Tenchu 1 was one of my favourite stealth games and if they do bring back the framework then this could be something special.

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