Space Invaders Extreme Website Opens

By Ben 04.06.2008 2

Space Invaders Extreme, the upcoming revisit to the series on DS, has been received quite well by press, and now Taito have opened its accompanying website in English. It's the usual Flash-heavy affair with a few screenshots and a slightly mysterious section called "PV".

Image for Space Invaders Extreme Website Opens

Check it out by clicking here.

Thanks to LS for the tip.

Box art for Space Invaders Extreme



Square Enix





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I am drawn in two as to whether I should get the DS game or the PSP version. The PSP version will have better sound I imagine and will also have the option to play on TV which is a big plus.

A demo for both the DS and PSP games are rumoured to be coming soon. I hope to try them both out then and decide.

I've honestly never wanted to play Space Invaders as much as I want to now. Can't wait to try it.

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