Dragon Quest IX To Sell Over 5 Million?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2008 2

So says an analyst predicting sales for the upcoming new installment in the Dragon Quest franchise, exclusively for DS.

According to German website GameFront, translation via GoNintendo, Takashi Oka of Cosmo Securities predicts that Square-Enix's latest portable RPG will sell over 5 million copies in Japan alone - the same prediction the head of Enterbrain had in 2007.

The company's president also has high hopes for the game, predicting a massive 10 million units to make their way into gamers' pockets worldwide. There's no firm date for the title as of yet, but producer Akihiro Hino's goal is to have Dragon Quest IX ready by the end of the year.

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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No surprise here. Fanbase of the DS + popularity of the DQ series = win.

mOojc said:
No surprise here. Fanbase of the DS + popularity of the DQ series = win.

Definitely. S-E have made a great choice remaking/creating new entries in their popular franchises. Hope this success can be melded onto the Wii too.

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