Guitar Hero: Metallica Comes to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2008 7

Activision have announced Guitar Hero: Metallica, for the heavy-metal fan within you.

If you thought Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and IV weren't enough, Activision have unveiled yet another special themed version of the axe-wielding monster: Guitar Hero: Metllica, featuring non-other than the legends of rock and medal, Metallica.

The San Francisco Bay heavy-metal foursome will now be the next focus of the series, with popular hits and related material from influential artists being included as part of the package.

In fiscal 2009, we plan to publish Guitar Hero: On Tour for the NDS; Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Guitar Hero: Metallica, and Guitar Hero IV across multiple platforms.

The game will most likely follow the release of Guitar Hero: World Tour with the company's fiscal report confirming a retail launch for GH:Metallica by the first quarter 2009.

Box art for Guitar Hero: Metallica








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Haha, hardly milking their franchise at all are they?

God, I remember back in 2002 or roundabouts, some shit football manager game came out but the gimmick was that it was released for different teams, so one for Liverpool, one for Celtic etc. etc., with each called the OFFICIAL. Crazy.

This is getting a bit ridiculous.
If it sells well, though, then more power to them I guess.

( Edited 03.06.2008 00:58 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I've said it a million times before, nothing good can come from Activision getting a hold of the GH licence. I'm probably going to say it another million times too.

That is until they release Guitar Hero: Rush. Then I might change my tune.Smilie

I'd buy Guitar Hero: Sonic Rush.

But I definitely think there are WAYYY to many. They're more common than FIFA games! Didn't Guitar Hero used to be a special hyped up kinda release? And with dlc it's not like they need to release "updates" so often...

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Guest 03.06.2008#5

Better not obtain this game illegally or Lars Ullrich will come after you!

I only care about the music. It's the only possibility for Wii user to get new music for GH, so it's okay. Better then throwing badly made features onto every other GH. It's like Sing Star. But that I do not buy. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Why can't they all just include it one game. Smilie

At least this will make metallica fans happy.

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