Zelda Manga Slashes into US Book Shops

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.06.2008 11

The Ocarina of Time adventure is reborn with an official English translation of the Japanese tale.

According to the Anime News Network, publisher VIZ will be bringing out the two part anime based on the N64 classic this October. There are various fan-based translations available on the internet, but nothing tops a good old Ganondorf om the toilet.

Thanks to Joystiq and C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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Fairly ooold o.0;

Well I've known this for a month or so. The manga is excellent, I can't wait to own a hard copy Smilie

I also hope Majora's Mask follows. It's really good, better than OoT IMO.

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Awesome. Smilie I'll have to try to track it down on Amazon or something... :p

You mean it won't be in shops...? Smilie Oh well... I'll probably buy it online if that's the case, but I thought most US manga comes to UK anyway. Prolly just the more mainstream ones... meaning I'll probably have to shop online for the Phoenix Wright one too...

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SuperLink said:
You mean it won't be in shops...? Smilie Oh well... I'll probably buy it online if that's the case, but I thought most US manga comes to UK anyway. Prolly just the more mainstream ones... meaning I'll probably have to shop online for the Phoenix Wright one too...

Well, it might be, but I can't be bothered to trudge into a city centre to find a manga shop. XD

Cool stuff.

Must get.

Will get, I hope it comes out in Europe, too! It's fairly well drawn (I can't access the pictures there, so I have to draw from my memory).

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Hmmm, Kinukonya should have it, however I can't see it being a good manga to be honest. A Majoras Mask one could be decent...

Forbidden Planet in london will probably stock it.
Zelda's a popular enough brand for a major store to do it.

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You guys don't have to worry. Just now I checked Amazon.de, as I'm German. It will stock these two english(!) mangas (Viz Media, Akira Himekawa draws it, so it's the real thing I guess) for Zelda OoT in October and December 2008.
Rest assured... 8)

release-dates (watch out, German spoken down below):

The Legend of Zelda, Volume 1 von Akira Himekawa von Viz Media (Taschenbuch - 7. Oktober 2008)
Preis: EUR 5,99


The Legend of Zelda, Volume 2 von Akira Himekawa von Viz Media (Taschenbuch - 2. Dezember 2008)
Preis: EUR 5,99

Kostenlose Lieferung m�glich.
F�r Leser ab: Jedes Alter

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Forbidden planet and orbital will have it, they get their stock from america. You wont see a UK copy for about 2 years though.

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