Brave Comes to Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.05.2008

SouthPeak Games have announced a continuation of the PS2 Brave franchise for Nintendo DS.

Brave first originated on Sony's PlayStation 2 as Brave: The Search for Spirit Dancer, with a fairly poor reception. Thanks to Collision Studios it returns to the DS in Shaman's Challenge as a funky new puzzler. Taking place in native America, we follow the adventures of a young fella known as Brave.

Developed by Collision Studios, "Brave: Shaman's Challenge" features a cast of intriguing characters, a richly developed game world, and more puzzles than you can shake a shaman's stick at! As Brave progresses in his mission he encounters friends and mentors from the past, as well as a slew of new faces. He must master Shamanic Arts, learn new powers, and explore dangerous territories.

"Shaman's Challenge is an unusually deep game for the Nintendo DS. We want to leverage the unique controls of the platform to create a diverse, engaging gameplay experience that Nintendo DS fans will love."

Philippe Erwin, Executive Producer at Collision Studios.

Brave: Shaman's Challenge arrives on Nintendo DS later this year.

Box art for Brave: Shaman's Challenge








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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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