Sega Unleashes More World Destruction

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.05.2008 3

Sega have released more shots from the upcoming Image Epoch traditional RPG for DS, World Destruction.

World Destruction offers a twist on the traditional tale of saving mankind by seeing humans serving as livestock for the ruling beast men. The "World Destruction Committee" seeks to put an end to their world by entrusting their faith into a young champ known as Kyrie. Joined by heroine Morte and four other characters, the group set out into the 2D sprite-filled world. Players battle one another using a three-character party, turn-based approach.

Key members of the Xenosaga team will be working on the project, Yasunori Mitsuda handling music and Kunihiko Tanaka devising characters. Masato Kato, of Xenogears fame, will devising scenarios and scripts.

The publisher has released a handful of new shots via Famitsu.

Box art for Sands of Destruction
Also known as

World Destruction: Michibikareshi Ishi






Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Quoted from your article:

Key members of the Xenogears/Xenosaga team: Yasunori Mitsuda handling music, Masato Kato devising scenarios and Kunihiko Tanaka devising characters.

Masato Kato never worked on the Xenosaga series.

Nintendoes said:
Quoted from your article:
Key members of the Xenogears/Xenosaga team: Yasunori Mitsuda handling music, Masato Kato devising scenarios and Kunihiko Tanaka devising characters.

Masato Kato never worked on the Xenosaga series.

Sorry about that - He didn\'t work on Xenosaga, but he did work on Xenogears as event planner and script writer.

I\'ve amended the article to make it clearer. Thanks.

( Edited 27.05.2008 00:43 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's great to see Mitsuda-san's music will be gracing this game...his work's always fantastic. And having Kato-san on-board as well is the icing on the cake! Smilie This is by far one of my most anticipated games on DS right now, along with Platinum Games's DS RPG.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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