Wii Fit Insults 10-year-old Girl

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.05.2008 36

A young girl was shunned as "fat" by Wii Fit despite being active and of a healthy weight and height for her age.

According to The Daily Mail, Obesity experts have eaten Nintendo alive after the Wii Fit software calculated the 10-year old as fat. When starting up the board uses a player's height and weight to calculate their levels of BMI

Box art for Wii Fit








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The Balance Board's actual words were "Well, well, you are a little fatty bombatty aren't you? There's a nice pork pie in the fridge, why don't you go get it and see if you can balance it on your nose? There's a good little chunky monkey."

Less posty, more gamey.

artmonkey said:
The Balance Board's actual words were "Well, well, you are a little fatty bombatty aren't you? There's a nice pork pie in the fridge, why don't you go get it and see if you can balance it on your nose? There's a good little chunky monkey."

Oh artmonkey, where would we be without you! SmilieSmilie

Mmmmm... pork pies!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well quite clearly Wii Fit is not accurate, but in particular it is not accurate for children. Of course, both this and Wii Sports ages are for adults anyway.

Depressing that a ten year old would care so much about her weight anyway. This is the typical Daily Mail thing of digging up anything they can about video games. Don't they have more important things to wrote about than random anecdotal evidence?

Still, Nintendo should have been more careful. I haven't got Wii Fit, though, so I'm not aware: are there any in-game warnings about the fact that it's not accurate for under 18s? There were in Sports...

That\'s true - Nintendo definitely need to be more careful, especially when its to do with weight and the current trend amongst women these days to look as scarily skinny as possible.

Not sure about documentation as I haven\'t gotten Wii Fit yet, but I\'m hoping they\'ve got something in the manual about it at least.

I think if people are shelling out �70 (or more) for it, then they\'d at least expect it to work really well for their moneys.

( Edited 17.05.2008 10:54 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A young girl was shunned as �fat�


she is most likely a fat-thinking-she-is-a-skinny-girl

this was bound to happen

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Well obviously the cake wasn't a lie for the girl Smilie

Girl of 10 is six stone?

Thats quite fat to me.

I'm double her age and only eight.

Yeah, I know what Wii Fit would stay about me... *awaits criticism*

I'm 5'10 and only weigh 1 stone more than her.....she's fat.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Lol. Wii Fit is pretty harsh on what's classed as "obesse" from trailers I've seen. It's pretty ridiculous. I think this is hilarious. XD Females in our country are so paranoid!

Even though that does sound quite heavy. I'm 17 and I think I'm only 6 or 7 stone. Smilie

But then again I'm a human stick. My weight is only my bones, my muscules and skin don't weigh anything in the slightest.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

LOL at "solidly built".

It's odd that parents didn't realise that the game might tell her this, considering that's the kind of fecking game it is.

According to The Daily Mail

That's when I stopped reading...

irfman said:
Well obviously the cake wasn't a lie for the girl Smilie

haha xD

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They haven't included a picture of her, which is quite telling I feel.

squeek said:
They haven't included a picture of her, which is quite telling I feel.


No seriously though, I think any sane person can tell whether they are overweight or not.

Not that it was something I ever worried about at 10 years old. Parents should bring the kids up correctly so that they arent brought up by the media.

BMI shouldnt be used for ANYONE.

Its a flawed concept, and doctors and scientists know it.
We should be more concerned its still used by the government then Nintendo though.
When you hear all this "X amount of the UK" is fat or such, its based on BMI.

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*slit wrist*

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

SuperLink said:

But then again I'm a human stick. My weight is only my bones, my muscules and skin don't weigh anything in the slightest.

I'm right there with you! No fat, no muscle, just skin and bone...and a huge penis of course...and a big brain...and a sense of modesty, although I don't think modesty weighs much to be honest.

It doesn't matter what I eat or what exercise I do (or don't do), I don't gain weight. But I'm happy with who I am.

Anywho, the rule of thumb for kids is that if other kids tell you you're fat, then you're fat. If they don't then you're probably okay (unless they're all saying it behind your back).

It doesn't matter what I eat or what exercise I do (or don't do), I don't gain weight.

Same! I just think I have an exteremely high metabolism, because I'm one of the lazyiest people I know.

Anywho, the rule of thumb for kids is that if other kids tell you you're fat, then you're fat.

Does that rule still apply in anorexic camp? Smilie

Perhaps she should've been made aware that Wii Fit tells it like it is. 4'9, 10 and 6 stone. I know 13 year olds with that weight. Smilie

Smells like smelly cheese said:
It doesn't matter what I eat or what exercise I do (or don't do), I don't gain weight. But I'm happy with who I am.

Same. I don't get it when people gain weight really easily. I'm probably unhealthily underweight, I eat loads too. It's weird. I don't really like being skinny, it makes me look like crap. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

haha I actually find this hilarious

Wow, she is fat.

Well Wii Fit said that my brother was fat and he isnt. He wasnt such a cry baby and just ignored it. People need to take stuff like that on the chin. Get over it.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

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