New Wiiware Game; Helix

By Shane Jury 16.05.2008 2

Helix, a Movement with Music style game, has been revealed for Nintendo's Download Service.

The game was shown through wiiz, and has been made by French Development studio, Ghostfire Games.

The objective of the game is to perform gestures with the Wii Remote to the beat of music. Two Remotes are needed to play.

The player will be required to copy the arm motions of a robot that dances on screen. A Rhythm Track scrolls across the top of the screen, telling you when it is time to do a gesture. When the robot does a move, a Move Bar appears on the Rhythm Track.

The Move Bar starts traveling left on the Rhythm Track after it appears. You must then time your motion so that it is halfway done by the time the center of the Move Bar passes by the halfway mark of the Rhythm Track.
Harder Difficulty modes are also featured.

Helix is set to be released in Europe later this month, a Price point has not yet been determined.

B sure to check out more screenshots of this game in our Gallery below.

Helix (Wii)

Information page for Helix (Wii)Game DetailsScreenshots, pictures and artwork for HelixScreensVideos, trailers, gameplay footage and adverts for HelixVideos
Box art for Helix








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the screens are too small...

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Yeah, sorry about that, I can\'t find any bigger pictures on the \'net, and my editing tools are far from good. They give you a good idea what to expect though.Smilie

( Edited 16.05.2008 10:43 by Phoenixus )

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