Konami Announces Rock Revolution

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2008 1

Konami have announced yet another musical game to join EA and Activision in a bid for multi-instrument supremacy.

During the company's 2008 Gamers Day, they revealed a new take on the whole music craze: Rock Revolution, due for release across the board on the Wii, DS, Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360. The Nintendo versions are in development by HB studios.

The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions receive a unique drum-kid peripheral touted as "the most realistic drum peripheral on the market," however Wii owners can enjoy... air guitar and drum antics by using the remote to simulate playing instruments (much like Nintendo's proposals for Wii Music). The DS version uses stylus-based rhythm and movement to simulate instrumentals, and the microphone for aural play.
40 tracks are said to be included with the retail box and additional content available for both the PS3 and 360. but apparently nothing on the Nintendo front.

A screen (from the Xbox 360 version):

Image for Konami Announces Rock Revolution

Rock Revolution hits retail in October 2008.

Box art for Rock Revolution

Zoe Mode







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They don't need to do this kind of shit. Their Bemani sector has had Guitar Freaks and Drum Mania for years. All they need to do is port them into english. Worked fine for DDR.

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