Eternal Darkness Sequel a Possibility?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.05.2008 3

Silicon Knights' Denis Dyack recently spoke on the possibility for a sequel to the 2002 GameCube hit, Eternal Darkness.

Speaking to TVG, he commented on hopes for a follow-up title and expressed the company's fondness for their past efforts/franchises.

There is a chance; we love all the games we work on. We don't want to be pigeon-holed [into a genre], we want to be known for strong content...There's a strong chance we'll return to it, but there's no announcements yet.

On an even more positive/definitive note, he revealed on his IGN Blog:

I am most often asked if we have sequels in mind for Eternal Darkness. The answer is absolutely yes. Although this may not be obvious to those outside of Silicon Knights, anyone inside the guild understands that there is really no other answer.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem was a surprise hit on the GameCube, before Silicon departed as a second party for Nintendo.

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Yeah well he always gets asked this question, and he always says the same. It will happen but not on the Wii.

( Edited 15.05.2008 14:48 by Linkyshinks )

That would be a shame. Eternal Darkness may as well have been a Nintendo series. Infact I\'m pretty sure there was stuff related to it in MGS:TS and Melee.

MGS:TS was also made by Silicon Knights though. They were awesome! I want them back on Nintendo, they\'d make MGS2/3!

EDIT: That IGN Blog entry is 2 years old!! And TVG are wrong about it being a Microsoft second party. They\'re only partnering for Too Human, and they expressed \"Interest\" in making a Wii game too.

( Edited 15.05.2008 20:36 by SuperLink )

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Not to mention, Nintendo, like, owns the rights to half of ED.
To appear on another format, a deal would have to be made to buy them back. Wii is much more likely. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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