Pokemon Platinum Screens and Artwork

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.05.2008 10

A pair of screenshots and artwork from the upcoming third entry in the Diamond and Pearl Pokemon generation have filtered in.

Image for Pokemon Platinum Screens and Artwork

The latest entry, confirmed last week, focuses on the legendary Pokemon Giratina, a handful of new critters, a battle island, as new Wi-Fi enhancements.

According to CoroCoro Magazine, the game will be released in September 2008.

Box art for Pokémon Platinum Version

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Cool, sounds good. I'm betting for an Xmas release in US/Europe.

Really needs a proper dedicated Wii version though!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Really? I\'m betting next summer. That\'s what happened with Diamond & Pearl after all. They were released in Autumn/Winter in Japan and not until Spring/Summer in US/EU.

Giratina becomes cooler and cooler all the time!

( Edited 15.05.2008 11:48 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is more of the Emerald of this generation, not a full translation to be honest. Most of the dialogue will be the same.

aburnett said:
This is more of the Emerald of this generation, not a full translation to be honest. Most of the dialogue will be the same.

Agreed - they seem to be changing more of the modes and a few additional Pokemon, so I still think it will be a smaller gap to market then the original D/P.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That doesn\'t work. Emerald took over a YEAR to get to Europe while R/S only took 7/8 months.

Emerald took 8 months to get to the USA aswell... While R/S took 4 months.

( Edited 15.05.2008 15:32 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's a retarded slug...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I wonder what they're upgrading in this enhanced remake. I hope it's not just new Pokemon.

tiamat1990 said:
I wonder what they're upgrading in this enhanced remake. I hope it's not just new Pokemon.

There are never new Pok�mon in the 3rd versions. Just new locations, sprites, sidequests, expanded storyline and various other stuff.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

tiamat1990 said:
I wonder what they're upgrading in this enhanced remake. I hope it's not just new Pokemon.

hopefully some of the graphic flaws... (ive been playing my cousins DS)

Hang on, Giratina looks different! Isn't it supposed to have six claws, 6 legs and six ribs? Smilie

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