Atari Brings Family Trainer to the West

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.05.2008 5

Atari has confirmed a Western release of Namco Bandai's own take on the fitness craze that's recently plagued the world.

Coming complete with its own accessory, the game offers a family-orientated means of exercising, playing through mini-games and getting physical in the living room (ooh-er!).

Image for Atari Brings Family Trainer to the West

Unlike Wii Fit, Namco Bandai's versions sees its own dance-mat-inspired take, using a wired interface for an alternative, and presumably cheaper than Nintendo's own official way of flexing and shaking.

Thanks to Official Nintendo Magazine.

Box art for Family Trainer: Double Challenge
Also known as

Family Trainer 1 & 2


Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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-_- oh boy one to keep away from stop trying to copy wii fit

The Vii suddenly sprang into my mind...

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Lawl. Seems like a worthy cheap alternative to Wii Fit, but still not as refined/entertaining.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's actually an old NES game that's being revitalised for Wii.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
It's actually an old NES game that's being revitalised for Wii.

However this time there's a pad instead of the old whip peripheral used in the NES game. To make "training" more family friendly. Y'know?

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