EA Announces MySims Kingdom for Wii and DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.05.2008 7

EA have announced a new title in the MySims franchise, bringing classic storytelling to the Wii and DS.

The idea behind Kingdom sees players helping out the poor King Roland and his faithful subjects restore peace to their land. Players will be able to construct their castle, tend to their pigs, meet and greet folk and even search for lost treasure. We start in the centre of the story, The Capital, seeing King Roland, Princess Butter and the mysterious Wizard Marlon.

Whilst both the Wii and DS versions see building and character interaction within the regions of the Kingdom, the DS outing has an additional chapter seeing players help the King thwart evil plans through action and mini-games.

Image for EA Announces MySims Kingdom for Wii and DS

MySims has been met with such enthusiasm by players and families everywhere, we are excited to make MySims its own franchise within The Sims Label. MySims Kingdom has players helping King Roland and his subjects make the MySims world a better place by completing rewarding quests, building houses, bridges or even making contraptions powered by electricity or water. And MySims Kingdom on Nintendo DS, adds many new activities such as kayaking, ski jumping, populating the town zoo and many others!

Rod Humble, Head of Studio for The Sims Label.

MySims Kingdom is due release in North America, Europe and Japan in Fall of 2008.

Box art for MySims Kingdom








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why do i see the mysims franchise going like any other sims game??

Echoes221 said:
why do i see the mysims franchise going like any other sims game??

What do you mean? This is totally different from the sims formula.

cause "EA" is written on the box

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

meowthemouse said:
cause "EA" is written on the box

So true Smilie

This seriously better have something more than just a new theme and a few bits and bobs!

A proper online Sims would be awesome.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hopfully they have adressed some of the problems from the first one like the long load times.

( Edited 14.05.2008 19:47 by Blade2t3 )

Wow. The backdrops look exactly like those of LEGO video games. Way to go EA. Smilie It seems like MySims will become the patronising Nintendo version of The Sims, with a new version released every year or so as a seperate game. *sigh*

And a fantasy game without fan service! I'm disappointed EA!

It does have Dragons right?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Smilie I loved the first one so I'm sure I'm gonna buy this too.

Hope it has dragons or mermaids [wtf?!?] other way it won't have the feeling of a mythologic game, Smilie I doubt they do that...

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

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