Cubed3′s sister site, Cubed3 Korea posted an interview with Kim Hyung-Noh, the Director of the MapleStory DS project back on 14th April, 2010, the day before MapleStory DS launched in South Korea. The article is completely in Korean at the moment, with the officially translated English version waiting to be cleared by Nexon before it gets posted here. However, it was only a matter of time before someone picked up on the original article and tried to translate parts thanks to the wonders of online translation machines.
With regards to the point about the success of MapleStory DS meaning more Nexon games come to DS, the good sign is that it seems the game is already off to a flying start. Popular Korean website Naver has the DS game ranked at No.7 on its search rankings as of 17th April, up from No.15 the week prior to the game’s release. This is seen as a massive achievement due to videogames normally not standing a chance against the popularity of online PC titles. The Korean forum where this news stems from, Ruliweb, implies that being listed on Naver may well be a more powerful advertising tool than the recent slew of TV adverts. At the time of writing, MapleStory DS has climbed up to No.6 on the game-related search rankings.
With any luck, Cubed3 will be given the go-ahead to post the full English interview next week, and will also be receiving MapleStory DS in order to bring readers a hands-on report for the eagerly awaited release. For now, though, anyone able to read Korean can check out the full interview with Kim Hyung-Noh, Director at Nexon, right here.
Maple Story DS
(286 Votes)
I'd love to see what Nexon could do on Wii. Let's hope the interest in MapleStory DS is indeed strong enough to keep Nexon supporting Nintendo.
Next up? Perhaps Ntreev and NCSoft will jump on the train...
how in the HELL do i buy this game????????
Must buy!