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Yoshi1075's Blog Offline

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Now Playing: final fantasy 3 (ds)
Now Listening to: Muse, System of A Down, Rage Against the Machine
Now Watching: "Tenacious D P.O.D.'' in my head

Where can i get a Wii for the normal price?

New SMB!

Now Playing: new smb, gta vc
Now Listening to: Rob Zombie!
Now Watching: none

I got New Super Mario Brothers today. It is good, if not a little boring.Smilie


Now Playing: re-playing minish cap
Now Listening to: Rage Against The Machine- Killing In The Name Of
Now Watching: Golden Eye, Best 007 movie ever

I found this gamecube in a river

Image for


yay, metroid

Now Playing: Metriod Prime: Hunters

I got Metroid prime: Hunters today. Awesome graphics!SmilieSmilie

DS signal locater

Now Playing: an obscure mmorpg called runescape
Now Listening to: holiday by green day!

Just an idea, but the DS should have a wi-fi signal locater in either a seprate game card, included in online enabled games, or on the DS itself as part of a future firmware update.Smilie

why dont you stab someone with a stick?

Now Playing: not my ds
Now Listening to: American Idiot

because it hurts hurts. And because summer ends in a week (those cruel, cruel people!) Smilie. ummmm....matches are fun......

broken R button

Now Playing: yoshi T&G
Now Listening to: nothing
Now Watching: the screen

i broke the R button on my ds.

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