Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

Yo, Cubed3!!

I just thought I'd drop by to show you what I've been up to- Yoyo-ing! Thanks to this hobby, I haven't played any video games(except for Pokemon) in ages Smilie. I've been throwing since December of 2009. I competed at the Minnesota State Yoyo Contest and got 16th (out of 28), so that was decent. I am going to be attending the World Yoyo Contest in August, held in Orlando FL, and I'm pretty pumped!

Winner of the 2010 WYYC:


My crappy talent show performance from back in February:


By the way, you guys are way better than the butthurt whiners at the Yoyonation forums. Seriously, there's so much catty arguing over stupid stuff like whether or not a company stole a design, outsourcing machining to China, players switching sponsors, bootlegs, prematurely locked threads, and other assorted arbitrary bs. So remember, you certainly are one of the more mature forums on the internet Smilie

Yo, Cubed3!!

Now Playing: yoyo
Now Listening to: yoyo
Now Watching: yoyo

I just thought I'd drop by to show you what I've been up to- Yoyo-ing! Thanks to this hobby, I haven't played any video games(except for Pokemon) in ages Smilie. I've been throwing since December of 2009. I competed at the Minnesota State Yoyo Contest and got 16th (out of 28), so that was decent. I am going to be attending the World Yoyo Contest in August, held in Orlando FL, and I'm pretty pumped!

Winner of the 2010 WYYC:


My crappy talent show performance from back in February:


By the way, you guys are way better than the butthurt whiners at the Yoyonation forums. Seriously, there's so much catty arguing over stupid stuff like whether or not a company stole a design, outsourcing machining to China, players switching sponsors, bootlegs, prematurely locked threads, and other assorted arbitrary bs. So remember, you certainly are one of the more mature forums on the internet, so give yourselves a pat on the back Smilie

Hi Guise!!

Now Playing: with my 3 year old neighbor. In a dirty way, of course.
Now Listening to: The NSync Christmas Album
Now Watching: An oscillating fan. She came over here for an autograph, but now she's just oscillating over in the corner. I've been watching her for like, the past three hours, and I must admit, it's very entertaining.

I'm just dropping in to say hello to my favorite group of people on the interwebs!

What big stuff has happened here recently?

(P.S.- this is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.)

(P.S.S.- I totally stole that from Mitch Hedberg. I should usually care that I'm not being original, but Mitch Hedberg is awesome, so it's okay)

(P.S.S.S.- Why is there a Captian 2.0??)

Weo's Hiatus

Now Playing: with myself
Now Listening to: the echoing screams of my defeated enemies
Now Watching: I'm a slave 4 you music video

In case you haven't noticed (you most likely didn't) I haven't been on Cubed 3 for a few weeks. To be honest with you, I just really haven't been feeling it lately.

Anyways, I just thought I'd let you all know that I probably won't be on for a while. Don't worry though, I will most likely be back on the forums in a few months. Don't take it as a "goodbye", because it's more of a "I'm gone, but don't call me a hypocrite when I come back".

Peace ya'll.

QOTW: What are your top 5 pet peeves?

Now Listening to: daft punk

Pretty self explanatory. List 5 of your biggest pet peeves.


If you could have a house made out of any material...

I've decided each week to ask an obscure, interesting, video game related, or even serious question to my fellow Seethreers. Today's Wednesday, so I suppose it will be every Wednesday. Please don't bite my head off for being irrelevant.

This weeks question: If you could have a house made out of any material, what would it be?

Ethnicity of Pokecitizens

The other day, I was pondering what the next pokemon games would be called. I always thought it would be cool if we had a Black and White version. I thought it would be cool to have a team aqua/magma thing in the two games. Then i was wondering "Hahahaaaa, what if the black team had black people"

Then it hit me

There are NO black people (or any other race, for that matter) in the pokemon games (aside from Phoebe, who appears to be Hawaiian). I don't consider it to be racist or anything like that, it just struck me as very strange.

Tell me what to buy!!!

Now Playing: SSBB, Platinum, Super Metroid
Now Listening to: J Dilla, Wale, Jay-Z
Now Watching: The computer screen

You see, right now, this is my Wii collection

Sonic and the Secret Rings
Wii Sports
Wii Play
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy

Virtual Console
Gunstar Heroes
Super Mario Brothers 3
LoZ: OoC
Super Metroid
Paper Mario

Lost Winds
Defend your Castle

That's pretty much it. I feel very guilty about having such a miniscule amount of games.

Anyway's, now to the main reason I made this blog. I have about 150(US) dollars coming my way in the next few days. Since I have all this money, I wanna buy Wii games. I already know that I'm going to buy the Conduit, but what else do you think desperately needs to be added to my collection?

Business regarding our response to Captian

Now Playing: Platinum, Madworld
Now Listening to: MF Doom, Jay-Z, Wu-Tang Clan
Now Watching: Nothing =[

"Captian and business put together?" "Oooooh, I wonder what he's talking about."

You. That's who. And....well......Captian.

I think that we are all treating Captian incorrectly. Yes, he's n00b of the CENTURY. Yes, he's annoying. Yes he trolls. Yes his ignorant replies go nowhere.

But is it right to keep yelling at him OVER and OVER and OVER again? NO!! Because he keeps coming back for more! If you don't like what he says, don't comment on it. I mean, s freaking thread got locked because everyone yelled at Captian rather than staying relevant. It's been made pretty clear that you can't teach him anything. If he makes a dumb comment or insult, ignore it. Don't give him reason to keep going on. He feeds off of our anger, so keep it sealed inside you. He'll eventually leave or *gasp* become a good member if we just stop fueling his noob-ness.

That is all. Thank you. Smilie
(note: I have nothing against Captian. I am alright with him being around. But it is also clear that he is very infamous and some people don't approve of him)

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There are 13,666 members currently at C3.

13 and 666 are TERRIBLE numbers!!SmilieSmilie

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