Since the end of August, I have been working on a Pokemon Fan Fiction story known as Shadow of Heroes. I haven't been too crazy with it, but I have put alot of work into it during my spare times. Here is a summary of it.
A young Dratini is taken from her home by a rising evil power known as Sub-Zero. Several years pass and the Dratini evolved into a Dragonair. The Dragonair now knows the human language. (yes she talks) And she is super pissed off. Killing two guard members, the officers say she is too dangerous to be kept at the base so they ship her off with a phoney salesman who keeps her on display. Meanwhile a 16 year old trainer, known as Taylor, has started his pokemon journey. With his starter pokemon, (Poliwhirl) they meet up with the Dragonair and free her. Now she tells him about the evil plans Sub-Zero prepares to unleash. Taylor swears he would help her.
So far I have written 12 chapters and people seem to really like it. I recommend you to check out my fan fiction.
It is on DeviantArt and I might also upload it to elfwood and many other sites if people really love it.
The prolouge's link is below if anyone is interested.
Please check it out and see if you like it.
(btw my username deviantart is SSGuy) pretty easy to remember. ^_^
Check it out and enjoy!
is anyone willing to make a c3 clan on SW:TOR when it comes out? other than galaxy 2, this is my most anticipated game ever since it debuted at e3. who will join me?
just a few days ago i was introduced to Bob on youtube. it was a comment that said.
"This is Bob. Copy and paste him everywhere. He will soon rule Youtube"
With this becoming a real fad, i am asking you guys if you want to help me make my mii so popular, that he basically takes over the nintendo wii. This would be alot of fun. if you are interested, then i will give you instructions on how to make my mii.
his name is "Terry" and he is the coolest.
I am not a huge fan of kirby games but I feel that if they make a new game for the wii, it should play out like K-64 and the final boss should be Zero-Three. Since Zero Two is one of the coolest bosses ever, he should deserve to come back one last time.
Who is the best character in Brawl?
I want to know what you guys think.
In my opinion, I think it is Mario.