Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

Oi! C3! It's my Birthday too!

Yup. But I'm not on today's list. Smilie

Ah well. I'm happy anyway - I got a Boss AC3 guitar pedal from my parents which has completed my Jimi Hendrix tone very nicely. I jammed all morning and some guy heard me from outside - knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to join his band. Smilie I've heard of them before and they're very good (not to sure why they need another guitarist though) but I'm already in a band so I turned it down... for now. He gave me a number so I might take his offer up one day. Smilie

Other that I've just been relaxing. Got

"The Moob Song"

My band "FreeFall" recently had a session in a recording studio. After recording everything we realized we had an hour to spare, and we weren't able to start mixing down until the next day. So what did we do?

We professionally recorded our only lyrical song, entitled the "Moob Song". We never play it at gigs, it's just one of this funny inside jokes. It's all about man boobs, naturally, and we decided it was about time we shared it with the world.

I made a vid to go with it. I hope you all enjoy it.

FreeFall's Bebo Page


Help me band out!

We're (my funk band) are trying to get into a battle of the bands festival/concert thingy in London all about climate change. They're using a voting system to decide the bands who go through to this. So I'd really appreciate your guys votes if you could take the time to register and vote for us (seriously, it takes a couple of seconds!).

Even if you hate us, be nice. Smilie
Cheers, Smilie

Linkage to FreeFall's voting page

My Band "FreeFall" win Welsh Competition

Today friends, I am a very happy guy. On Saturday my band

Band starting go places, so Drummer collapses lung.

I was really feeling up last week, on Leaver

New Desktop!

Now Playing: Fecking good music through fecking decent speakers. Finally.
Now Listening to: Finally fecking decent speakers.
Now Watching: My desktop. It's nice.

Finally, I have a desktop and space to put my speakers! I can

Great Gig. New PC. General awesomeness.

Now Playing: My Guitar. What, you expected a game?
Now Listening to: The delightful stuff packaged with Vista!
Now Watching: Life on Mars/Lost/Family Guy - ALL AT ONCE! MHAWHAHA

Well it

Awesome Gig Last Saturday

Our band just had an amazing gig Saturday night and I

Birthday, Great Summer, Return to School.

Just a quick entry on my birthday; got myself some great stuff from friends/family, a Liverpool Shirt (Red, Gerrard), some other clothes, CD's, 1GB memory stick for my camera and PSP, a nylon string guitar and other guitar related goodness. Oh and enough cash to sort me out with a Wii whatever the price. Smilie

I am happy, I don't even care I go back to school soon, I've had a bloody awesome summer and for once I'm not depressed at the end of it.

Hurrah! Smilie

My Band - Audio Sample

Just thought I

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