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Mason Mega Update

Now Playing: Brain Training
Now Listening to: Busta Rhymes - The Big Bang

Hey everybody,

I've not been so active lately; well, not as active as I'd like to be. The main reason for this is because I'm currently living in Lancaster with Vikki/ShinyRainbow, and so I don't always get on the Internet as often as I'd like - luckily for me, though, the benefits of living with Vikki far outweigh the cons of less time in front of a computer. I'm having a ball, it's great fun living with her. We live an hour apart due to differing unis and only usually see each other a few days out of a week, so it's refreshing to actually be with each other 24/7. I'm going back home on Friday, but I'll be back here again on Monday. It

Tuesday Night Blogfest

Now Playing: The Dig, Rainbow Islands Revolution, Odama
Now Listening to: Bubble Bobble Theme Cover - Jonas Tunander
Now Watching: Nothing at the moment (Lost season 2 finished in America) :-(

Well, lots of blogs have gone up today, so I thought I might as well put one up too.

I've been doing exams for second year university the past few weeks, and it's been rather nasty in places. This is because lecturers are striking and so I've had some quite unreasonable sets of questions popping up on exam papers - I think I've done enough to pass each, though. I had one today that I thought was absolutely ace (and yes, I was being a bit of a nerd and being interested in the subject of sociolinguistics - well, sue me!), I'll disappointed if I've not gotten a first. One more exam to go, next Tuesday, and it's seen (I get it in advance, get to write my answers, then just remember them), so hopefully that'll be alright too.

After my exams are done, I'm free for the summer. I plan to clear my review backlog (you'll see a couple from me in the next week with any luck), then I'm going to be having a bit of a 'temporary move' for the summer by staying with Vikki in Lancaster for a lot of the time. I need to get a job there, but I have signed up to do some charity work at Barnados while I'm there at least, so I have something to do while I'm trying to find part-time work on top of that. A games shop would do me fine, but it's probably unlikely...I already tried the cinema, but the woman misworded it as a holiday position, when she wanted somebody there all the time. Apparently I wasn't the only one fooled.

I've gone into a bit of a mad PC games rush as well. I bought LucasArts' The Dig the other day for


Now Playing: Worms: Open Warfare
Now Listening to: Emmerdale
Now Watching: Emmerdale

Hey everybody. Been a while since I've done a blog entry...

This isn't going to be your prototypical exams post, though, oh no. These past few days I've been on the other side of the coin, marking English GCSE exams rather than taking English exams myself (though obviously not of the GCSE level, I'm a bit beyond that Smilie).

Anyway, I've been marking papers from last year for AQA. They'd been previously marked, but what I was doing was taking part in a research study. I marked papers, then went through standardisation training, then marked another load (200 in total).

The point of the study is to see how well students can mark compared to teachers, etc. - if they compare well, they might start employing them for less money than they'd pay teachers. I got

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