Will those Pokemon and Digimon obsessives please, for the love of god, KEEP OFF ANYWHERE WHICH ISN'T THE FUCKING WI-FI TOPIC AREA.
I am SICK of having to wade through countless amounts of Digi-Crap and Poke-feces to get to any decent blog or thread.
Please, hear my plea.
That's right...I've gained the mystical ability to screw up anything that has so much as a battery without so much as a thought.
In the space of 24 hours, I've...
(a) Killed my standalone Ubuntu machine with a combination of overheating and crap drivers...
(b) Killed my laptop with a dodgy graphics card problem
and to make it all so much more fun
(c) Sky refuses to let me watch it...I missed a Futurama marathon because it wouldn't load the bloody channel...
So, after lots of tender love and care, my Ubuntu machine is in an almost workable state, so I can browse the net and that's about it...
However, I should feel lucky, given my latest luck with PCB based forms of existence, the fact that my Wii is at Sprite's is, for once, a bonus...
However, on a lighter note, I've had plenty more guitaring time than normal, and a MASSIVE incentive to get a job.
I recently heard Bloc Party's "hunting for witches", and I'm impressed. I love the main guitar riff. This is kind of new territory for me, I'm normally nowhere near this Indie.
Sorry about the massive rant, I just had a shedload of steam to let off...
Incidentally, does anyone know what the Handle operated instrument that Arcade Fire were using on Jonathan Ross' show is called. It's an intriguing thing.
Hi there, I thought I'd post another blog, just because...
hmmm...where to start.
Best start with the Wii, I recently completed Sonic and the Secret Rings, (final boss), and now need to Gold everything. (I'm like that with Sonic games, even Heroes.) I appear to be alone in thinking it looks bloody amazing. I had it put through Ma and Pa's big ass LCD tv (they are in Vegas), and I couldn't help gawping at the final level. It may not be HD, it wasn't even Progressive scanning. But it was still beautiful... I live in hope for the Wii.
My next door neighbor brought along WarioWare : Smooth Moves, and I must say I'm impressed. Given the amount of scope for error with something like the Wiimote, it is wonderfully programmed for. The only exception is the "Trap Him" microgame, which consistently doesn't work. The 9-Volt boss leaves both myself and Sprite with a longing for Starfox Wii.
Speaking of longing...I'm busy longing for a certain Metroid Prime 3. I appear to be the only one not worrying about the graphical capabilities of said game. Retro have proven themselves capable of driving the best from a system, as proven with Metroid Prime 1 & 2. I jumped for joy when I heard it was delayed. For once corporate greed of "get it out early" was misplaced for the sake of actually making a good game. Nintendo apparently realise that they must get this one out. I don't think we'll have a Duke Nukem Forever on our hands.
On other consoles, I've been scheming to get myself a DSlite. Now that Diamond and Pearl are in English Speaking territories, I feel I need to start saving. I may also seek out a Shockii DSlite case, the thought of a chrome DS just makes me drool.
And on that note, I point out that Wii Replacement Cases are out in the market.
XCM have released the iCase for Wii, currently in Chrome and Black. Divineo have it at a reasonable
As you probably have gathered, Sprite turned 18 on Thursday, and as such, we, as avid gamers, had a gaming night. Present were Myself, Sprite, Rabid_wolverine, and Phi. As well as non C3ers Banjoman and "the Git".
It started without me and Rabid, with a round of Donkey Konga, in which it was proven that self-proclaimed retro freak Banjoman was probably so because of his inability to show anything resembling competence. In the words of Sprite, "He was the epitome of Sucktitude."
At this point Rabid and Myself arrived and with a Wii and 4 controllers now present, we began to set it up in a fashion that would make even the most abnoxious of Generals proud. 10 minutes to create new Mii's and the fun and games began.
First up was Wii Sports, a game of Bowling, (results:Rabid,Me,Sprite,Phi), followed by Golf(results:Me, Banjoman, Phi, Git) and then a helping of tennis (Me and Phi vs. Banjoman and Rabid.)
Before long we were knackered.
Next we decided to take Red Steel multiplayer for a spin, and I must say I was impressed. The Killer mode was plagued with one difficulty, (people couldn't hear the objectectives) and before long we scrapped that for standard 4 player deathmatch. This was again scrapped (Rabid and Myself kept on owning Phi and Banjoman) for 2v2 team DM, which was a ball. Highlights included Phi attempting to nail her teammate and Myself accidentally activated the Melee attack, which sent me hurtling towards Rabids shotgun blast.
After that, we hauled out the Donkey Konga again, and this time attempted to see who was the best out of Phi, Rabid and Myself on single player (Me, Phi, Rabid), whilst gorging on the food which had magically appeared somewhere between golf and tennis.
After the Git said his fairwells, Phi went home to grap the gamecube classics, and thus the second part of the night began. At this point I'll mention that Rabid was getting steadily more and more inebriated, (free beer will do that to a guy), which can only explain what happened next.
In a twisted clash of Gladiators and Drunken stupor, rabid and Banjoman began to engage in some sort of ritual which involved much screams of pain and damaged genitalia. We couldn't help but laugh.
And so it was to Wii play, where simple minds could enjoy the throes of Cow racing and Ping Pong. Sprite and Phi (with a combined mental age of 2), were exceptionally amused. ("but they're racing cows!")
And finally, we went over the Gamecube Classics. Warioware, Smash Bros. and Mario Kart all showed an appearance, and the dominant forces were Phi (as she owned the games), and Rabid (despite the large quantities of Alcohol.)
Finally, in the small hours of the morning, I was the first to crash, citing mental problems. Next was Rabid, then Phi, leaving Banjoman and Sprite awake into the next day.
Moral of the story, if it's a party, you can't beat nintendo.
In a rather obscure conversation between myself, sprite and Fisher, an old friend. It became apparent why the Wii-mote is like it is.
::Lightmare picks up the T.V. remote by accident, and thus finds it unconductive to Wii playing.(He was tired.)::
Fisher - "It looks far too much like a remote control doesn't it."
::Unanimous agreement in mumbling form::
Fisher (With a tone of frightening realisation) - "Oh god, I'm going to lose it aren't I."
Yup, I reckon there are going to be around 30 wii-motes sold for every Wii. At least. Television remotes are infamous for getting lost.
In other news, the Wii itself is awesome. I took it over to Sprite's, where we played from half past midnight until half past 5. Even then, it was only my Red Steel suckage which stopped me from continuing. I really havn't enjoyed games as much as these in a long time.
And now my parents want to play it...
Not a chance.
Sorry for the lack of bloggage, things have been hectic and hairy on the runup to christmas and my impending 18th.
Cubed 3 has some new faces tonight. Rabid_Wolverine and Sprite. Rabid_Wolverine is my "Wii-Brother", close friends bonded by the obtaining of Nintendo's latest venture, and Sprite, who is *shock horror*, female. But she'll own your ass at any RPG you can mention, and she plays a mean game of F-Zero to boot.
Things are quiet on the coding front, I recently got hold of DevKitPro (after much panic and frustration, they'd screwed the installer up on the previous version,) and so I'm gonna get some tutorials up and start learning the syntax, wish me luck. Then maybe I can start on that joint venture between myself and sprite.
Musically, I've been revelling in the joys of the latest 'Shroom album, Saviour Sorrow. Whilst it's not XIII, a bit too Nu Metal, and no-one can truly replace J Mann, it's still pleasent on the ears, especially Simple Survival.
So that's about all really, I may post either on the 7th, in a celebratory post on reaching 18, and to say happy birthday to the one among our number that will reach 16, or on the 8th, post Wii.
I have a friend who is...rather closed minded in his ways. I have to force him into new genres with a crowbar, and we can argue for hours over the fact that just because he doesn't like a game, it doesn't mean it is a bad game.
He can be rather frustrating.
So, there I was, browsing a forum, where I saw more people like him. Lots more, and this forum made me want to cry, I have never seen as much ignorance in my life.
So, I want to find out how many people are like me, people who can look at a game and think "that's an interesting concept, and it works well", "I don't like it but the effect on gaming is positive", and "It's not a brilliant game, but I like it".
So, those who think this way, join me in convincing the world that a good game is a good game, regardless of console, age group or genre.
Hi guys...Sorry for the lack of bloggage recently, but circumstances havn't afforded me much time as of late.
I finally pre-ordered my Wii...Dec 8th here we come...
Speaking of which, user challenge time, what games would you recommend I get to go with it's launch?
I've had two pet loves at the moment...
My first is the Pokemon series, now that Diamond and Pearl are out in Japan, (Damn them), I am starting to get a feel for what the upcoming games are gonna be looking like, and it looks good. I like the fact that the game itself has made steps to alter the gamelay itself...
This is important as it means that online play will not be onesided to start out with.
Here's hoping...
My other love is Sonic. I have been called by many as the physical incarnation of Sonic, due to intense speed, and a tendancy to dress in blue. And as a long standing childhood game series, I like to keep up to date.
So I start by saying that I am intrigued by Sonic and the Secret Rings. It appeals to me due to being significantly faster than any of it's predecessors, and the none addition of other characters means that it will be purely speed.
Mmmm...my favourite.
This leads on to my main point, I recently found the Nintendo DS SDK, and am hoping to become proficient enough to make something worth playing.
Eventually, I aim to create a remake of Sonic 3 and Knuckles (My personal favourite), possibly including the Touch screen. But no promises just yet, I tend to be tempremental with my projects. (Maybe some day I'll show you the pokemon cards I made out of boredom.)
So here's hoping to an SDK which I can get my head around, (I'm proficient at coding, I just need a target.) and a good Wii Sonic Game. Ideas are appreciated.
First if all, thanks for the supportive comments from my last blog. And thanks for the advice...DS Lite it is.
After I wrote my previous blog, something inside me snapped and I had what I can only describe as an episode. All round not fun. So now my father has dragged me to the Doc's and I'm being referred to a psychiatrist.
Has anyone noticed the amount of Anime tie-ins swanning their way into the Wii catalogue. Bleach, One-Piece, Avatar and Dragon Ball Z are announced, quite impressive really.
Are Anime tie-ins that good at raking in the cash?
I expected a DBZ game, it being something as inevitable as day and night. Bleach and One Piece I would of considered too minor to work, then again I may be wrong...
This is only bothering me because Anime tie-ins, like their movie counterparts, have a reputation for sucking...And I have no want for the Wii to be flooded with mediocrity before it hits the shelves.
Or maybe the Wii's unique design may inspire-Gasp- ingenuity amonst these titles. As with always, we have to wait and see.
Can they buck the trend?
Hmmm. Not the besty of times.
Around the time of the summer holidays, (just before), I was placed on a kind of Anti-Depressant which reacted badly, leaving me prone to periods of quite frightening maniacal laughter. This apparently left me without much recourse when I was removed from the offending substance.
Alas...no such luck.
Nearly a quarter of a year later and it has returned with a newly aquired vigour. This is putting a strain on my social and academic life.
Anyhow...Onto things of a game persuasion.
I reguarly check up on the progress on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and I must say it's looking good. Can't be long until a UK release date, at which point I need a DS.
Help me out here, which is more preferable, "Brick" or Lite?
Whilst I'm on Pokemon, I must take this opportunity to drool at Pokemon Battle Revolution. Another must buy title.
Let's hope Game Freak don't let us down.