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Vii Review

"YES! THE WII! THANKS MOM AND DA-....Wait, this says Vii..."

Yes, many Chinese children are disappointed...The Vii is probably the most popular knock off game system there is! Alright, I'm sure if you search them on Ebay, you might find a few to a lot. These things are just really funny! I swear to you, if you've never heard of the Vii, you've never heard of joy and laughter!

Alright, so for you who don't know what the Vii is, here's the picture!

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Wii on the left and Vii (Fake) On the right.

Now, you can obviously tell the difference between the two. Oh? You can't really? Well, the only thing that's really different is Size, Power button, No disk(wtf) and Sensor.

Well, the Vii looks much taller then the Wii, and since it has no disk slot, you'd guess that it had a better drive! Welp, you guessed wrong...Sadly wrong, in fact, the chip is possibly 3 inches in length all around. I can't find any good images for it, but if you look it up on good "Vii insides" Watch videos.

Now, Before trying this game you might say "Wow, how F***n stupid!" They actually offer quite a lot of games.

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It's not that bad for a price of $124.99 American dollars. Sadly, the game is called "Vii Sports"

So, Overall, I'd give Vii these stats, which are based to the Wii!

1-Meaning not really similar to Wii
5- Somewhat similar
10- Way similar!

Gameplay: 10, The game play to a Wii is pretty much the same for Vii, move your hand in various gestures to do certain things. Although you do not have a nunchuck.

Graphics: 10, Although I really didn't discuss the graphics, they are still very similar to videos i've seen.

Originality: 1, Considering the Wii has already made itself, Wii would get the originality vote.

Fun: 10, Although it's a knock off around the same price, you still get the same exercise you would from the wii! Not necessarily fun for some, but I enjoy it!

In final conclusions, Vii=Wii, but with a different name, Different colors, Different....Um...Well...That's pretty much all that's different XD

Err, I forgot to add some Key things.

-No Miis
-No Virtual Console or...Wirtual Console (XD)
-No Channels
-No USB ports
-No SD card slots

They had also made a redesign, which included a cartridge slot.

Game Listings:

* Happy Tennis - a tennis game
* Catch Fish - a fishing game
* Bowling - a bowling game
* Alacrity Golf - a minigolf game
* Table Tennis - a table tennis game
* Smart Dart - a darts game
* Fry Egg - a Cooking Mama clone
* Bird Knight - a Balloon Fight clone
* Fever Move - a Dance Dance Revolution clone
* Come On (Come on what?)
* Fantasy Baseball - a baseball game
* Free Craps - a craps game (LOFL!!!!!)

Now, once the cartridge slot was added, new games were made

* MaJong13 - a Mahjong game
* MaJong16
* Bubble Blaster - a Puzz Loop/Zuma clone
* Jewel Master 2 - a Columns clone
* Pinball Fish - a Breakout clone
* Squirrel Bobble - a Puzzle Bobble clone
* Lightning Plan - A Shoot' em up

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That is the new Vii design, looks much like the NES to me...But Blue ^^;

Shiny Weezing

Now Playing: Pokemon Diamond
Now Listening to: Chun-Nan (Day) - Sonic Unleashed
Now Watching: Text

Yes, it truly is a lucky day, Well, actually, Yesterday.

I was on the GTS, searching for random pokemon when I came across a Shiny Weezing! Level 51, and all they wanted was Azelf (Blue legendary Fairy) Since I dislike legendaries, I decided to go for it! Took about 2 minutes to connect but I got the wonderful Weezing! All moves and stats check out, so it's legit! On other notes, I've gotten rare pokemon over the GTS, I'm guessing people are seriously tired of all the bloaks asking for Darkrai.

I'd also like to submit my return to Cubed3, I only really remember 3 people, but don't feel bad if you don't remember me, I really did nothing and wasn't much of an active person really.

But, Kudos to me on my new Shiny! YAY!

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