Since the blog section here on C3 is deserted most of the time, I've decided to take the time to review the movies that I see, here instead of it getting lost amongst the countless review of movies on the movie thread. Don't expect Shakespeare, but I'll try as hard as I can.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Daaaaaammmmnnn, I mean DAAAAAAMMMMNNNN. This movie kicked so much ass!
Having never read the graphic novel, I went into this movie literally knowing nothing about it - not the plot, not the style, not the hero, not anything - and wow, was I blown away.
The actors they got to play the characters fit perfectly with the roles they took on. Never once was I ever taken out of the movie by any of the acting. The style in which the movie was filmed also added to the overall feel of the movie. It was filmed as if the whole world were a cross between a video game and a comic book. Now, many criticize this type of filming style, but trust me, it works out perfectly.
Now, because you are all members of this site, I know for a fact that you'd all love the humor and little references made here and there to video games and pop culture things. More than once, I was the only person in the entire theater laughing at something that had happened on screen, do to me being... well, me!
Like I said, I'm not good when it comes to writing review (better in words, I always say! ), so I might as well wrap this up.
The only thing I say is that when watching it, remember that Scott's life is supposed to be like a video game. Many, I guess you can say average people, were awfully confused on why things happened the way they did in the movie, but if you just keep in mind that it's like a game, you'll get past this confusion.
So far, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is my movie of the year. 5 stars, 10/10, etc., etc.
This past Friday, I hopped into a car, drove all the way to Dallas, and went to the Meyerson Symphony Center for the best concert of my life - Video Games Live
You guys know me, I'm not one to go on a swearing rant unless it's completely justified. Well ladies gentlemen, it is. This was the best fucking concert ever.
If you don't know what VGL is, you can start but checking out the web site. It's basically a concert where a symphony orchestra (in my case the DSO, or the Dallas Symphony Orchestra) plays music from a wider verity of games, ranging from the classic Zelda and Mario to the songs of Shadow of the Colossus, Halo, and much, MUCH more.
You see, I went to the "Bonus Round", meaning that is wasn't their complete 6-7 hour show, which is next on my list of must-see. But, just because it was a "Bonus Round" doesn't mean that we were all going without proper attire. Going with a group, I was held to a dress code, but I have my ways of getting around that...
But, I wasn't the only fan of the video arts there, that's for sure. There were hundreds decked out in video game paraphernalia, including Zelda t-shirts, Halo polos, and of course, cosplayers, some better than others...
The hall itself is truly breathtaking, one of the most beautiful and well designed buildings I've ever had the chance to walk into, even having the chance of playing on the stage at one point, but that's another story.
The best part, in my opinion, is that VGL was co-created by I man that I respect to the highest degree, Tommy Tallarico. This man is a legend in my eyes. He's composed games for hundreds upon hundreds of games. He's also a huge music, comic, and movie buff, and just all around great guy. When getting my Mega64 Pax DVD signed, he took time away from signing autographs to have a decent, lengthy conversation with me about Mega64 and his filming experiences with them, and I thought that that was the most amazing thing. A man of his status and schedule, taking time away from it all to talk to me, just a fan of his work and the work of all gaming. Tommy's just such an amazing guy!
Needless to say, I got my Pax DVD signed, thus crossing off one of the items on my bucket list.
Overall, this was the BEST concert I've ever been to. If given the chance to go again, I would do it in a heartbeat. If Video Games Live rolls through an area near you, try, try, TRY as hard as you can to get tickets to it, because you will NOT be disappointed!
Oh, and if you want to see the absolute best part of the show, click here!
Keven, out!
So today, I rose at the very, very early time of 2:30 AM, threw on some clothes, tossed some basic need items into the car and went to Texas Stadium, the former stadium to the Dallas Cowboys from 1971 up until 2008.
Why would I go there if the Cowboys don't play there anymore? Because, I wanted to watch it come down, literally.
After spending 4 1/2 hours in the freezing cold, the sun rose and the time finally came for the show to begin.
That's all for now!
Click to see what the new stadium looks like.
So, another March 8th goes by, and so another year I grow older.
Twas' a good day. Nothing too special, but it wasn't bad. I got a kick ass cake:
And then there comes the STUFF:
Finally, I join the bandwagon. I'm coming for you, Echoes and Captian!
Finally, I can see this show! I'm coming for you, Steve Blum!
And last, but certainly not least:
I'm coming for you... errrr... Internet!
Yep, that was my vainly disguised attempt to show off my new goodies, but whatever!
Until next time!
Below is a satellite image of the area in which I live take in 1984:
And here is a picture taken just last year in August:
Look at the crazy explosion of growth that happened in only 25 years, and trust me, I've noticed. When I was a kid, the nearest grocery store was 3 miles away, the nearest school 3 miles away, and the nearest movie theater 6 miles away. There were HUGE fields all over the place, and all the roads were bumpy and were only one-way each way. And now, everything is just a hop-skip away from me. The roads around me have been upgraded to 2-3 lane roads, each way. 4, count them, 4 large shopping centers were put in within a quarter square mile of each other. My area has EXPLODED.
My Elementary school went from 500 kids attending when I was in the 1st grade to 1000+ when I left it 5 years later, and it's still ever growing. This year alone they're building 4 new schools in the area to accommodate all the people.
I used to live in the "country", and now the city is slowly closing in around me.
I realised that not many of you have seen the best show on the face of the planet, Clone High.
The whole show is based around.... well, just listen to the theme song.
(Nota bene - episode 2 was not uploaded on the site with the highest quality, so you'll have to settle for slightly less than average quality.)
Enjoy the best show on earth!
Yes, yes, MORE pictures.
If you are tired of pictures, then you're in luck. You were given an able mind and hands and fingers to be able to move your mouse over to the back button, or click a button on your mouse if you're fancy like I am, to leave this place and move on with your day. Justing think of all the over things you could be doing right now instead of reading this and waiting for the point of this, because like revealed before, there will be pictures forthcoming. Will these pictures blow your mind, or will they ultimately disappoint you, causing you to want to log off this site and go outside for a change? You decide.
However, if you like super-gigantic things, you'll like these pictures. Take your pick.
You see, if you haven't already guessed by this point, I'm just trying to fill space so that when the spoilers are opened, the pictures do not overlap with the text on there side there. There, over there, you see it, right there. I know you see it, and you know it'd overlap if I were not thinking of this genius and awe inspiring idea.
Right, that should be about enough wasted space. They should call me Mario, because "Here we GO!!"
Well, there you have it. Good day, gentlemen, and Merry Christmas!
Heck yes!
Yeah, it's not too bad, but it NEVER snows here, so this is a very important moment.
So, C3 is back up, so why not celebrate by posting a hell lot of pictures?
Just recently, the marching band I'm in traveled all the way from our little town in Texas to Indianapolis, Indiana for the BOA (Bands of America) Grand Nationals Competition. It was a long and tiring trip, but VERY well worth it.
My band did very well. You see, there were 98 bands there for Preliminary Competition, 36 for Semi-Finals, and 12 for Finals. This was my band's first time there, so we were pit against some schools that had been going to this competition for 35+ years. We made it all the way to Finals and ending up placing 4th, also winning the caption in Music by a substantial amount.
I'll try and get a video of the show up here, but it'll be kind of complicated.
I do, however, have pictures, like always. Enjoy!
And that's about it. Hope I was able to delay you from your lives with these pointless pictures, for that's not all. There will be more on the way.
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot... But what of the man? I know his name was Guy Fawkes and I know, in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. But who was he really? What was he like? We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world. I've witnessed first hand the power of ideas, I've seen people kill in the name of them, and die defending them... but you cannot kiss an idea, cannot touch it, or hold it... ideas do not bleed, they do not feel pain, they do not love... And it is not an idea that I miss, it is a man... A man that made me remember the Fifth of November. A man that I will never forget.
Just had to remind all of you, although it be a bit late for most of you.