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Peircing, Why do we stretch?

Now Listening to: Meshuggah - New milenium cyanide christ

Stretching peircings is a practice that dates back to early tribal times (you've all seen the buddas with huge ear lobes) and is still around today.

although it may have lost most of its meaning, its still fun to do, and in my view looks pretty cool.

i infact have a stretch, although its not as generic as the lobe, ive stretched my upper cartalige (the helix) to a 5 Mil.

i want to hear your stories of stretching, the pain, pleasure, trouble and satisfaction at the finished product.

well i say finished product but anyone who has peircings will know its like a mental addiction.

My peircings:
Helix (5 Mil)
tragus (1.6)

soon to get done:
lobe dermal punched to a 3 or 4 Mil (dermal punching is where they either use a thick needle to make a big hole in your ear, or they cut out a bit of your ear depending on how big you want the hole)

Online competative gaming, is it for you?

hello, welcome to my blog. first i would like to say that anything written here is of my own personal opinion, personal opinion is something humans learn at a very young age and continue to use in later life. if you dont like mine then tell me and i will most probably ignore you with great passion.

In the world of online competative gaming, one console really springs to mind. XBox 360. or many of you could say Wii aswell seeing as the WI-FI label seems to be smeard on even the scummiest of games now days. but to those of us who care, there are two main types of Online capable games.

there are the Online competative games; games that keep a score/ record of achivements (kills, deatchs, times, blah bler bluh)

and online games; games that have no score but are still fun. (like smash bros)

basicly the point here is i want to see if you like the idea of scoring systems or what you consider to be online competative or whatever. express your opinion! but dont offend n e 1 and tell n e 1 they are rong because there is no such thing as a rong opinion.

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