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DanielPrimed's Blog Offline

Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

4. Willpower

Now Playing: Timesplitters 2

Like I said to my friend today I feel like a Buddhist extremist living in a cave with little to eat and drink but plenty to look forward to. At least I managed to pick up Timesplitters 2 for $35 Aus preowned, I


Now Playing: Fire Emblem
Now Listening to: Lots of songs

Looks like I still need to post the 2nd entry, since cubed3 went down again. Poor dudes I don


Now Playing: Super Mario 64 DS
Now Listening to: The Verve- The Drugs don't work

I never really expected me to be writing in these things as much as have started to, maybe its just because it


Now Playing: FF:CC, Mario Golf:AT
Now Listening to: Seether and AAF
Now Watching: Nothing

My first ever blog entry! I could have made my own blog and uploaded it to my own site but its not worth the effort, the sites were you can get free blogs on are well shit IMO, although I haven

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