Yakuza Kiwami, also known as Ryu ga Gotoku Kiwami, is an Action Adventure game developed by SEGA for the PlayStation 4 video game console. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Yakuza Kiwami.
Ryu ga Gotoku Kiwami
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Not had enough Yakuza after 0? Head back to the 90s and experience the rebirth of a franchise! - By Drew Hurley
Read more 0 CommentsThe dragon is reborn on PlayStation 4, with Yakuza: Kiwami. - By Coller Entragian
Read more 0 CommentsTitle | Date | |
The Yakuza Remake is Now Out in Japan | 20.01.2016 | 1 |
Here's a Brutal Yakuza: Kiwami Trailer, with Karaoke | 08.01.2016 | 0 |
Who owns this game?
Sandy Wilson