Kirby: Mouse Attack, also known as Kirby: Squeak Squad, is a 2D Platformer game developed by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS video game console. The game has been re-released and can be downloaded on the Virtual Console service for Wii U, in digital form. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Kirby: Mouse Attack.
Kirby: Squeak Squad
8/10 (5 Votes)
Title | Date | |
Nintendo News | Kirby Takes on Europe | 23.05.2007 | 1 |
Nintendo DS Media | New Kirby Squeak Squad Screens | 06.10.2006 | 14 |
E3 2006 Video | Kirby DS | 09.05.2006 | 13 |
Who owns this game?
Nyx DarkPegasus