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Super Nintendo

Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss on Super Nintendo1) Castlevania: Vampire's KissAdd Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss to your collection Add Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss to your wishlist
Chrono Trigger on Super NintendoChrono Trigger2) Chrono TriggerAdd Chrono Trigger to your collection Add Chrono Trigger to your wishlist
Contra III: The Alien Wars on Super NintendoContra III: The Alien Wars3) Contra III: The Alien WarsAdd Contra III: The Alien Wars to your collection Add Contra III: The Alien Wars to your wishlist
Donkey Kong Country on Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country4) Donkey Kong CountryAdd Donkey Kong Country to your collection Add Donkey Kong Country to your wishlist
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest on Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest5) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong QuestAdd Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest to your collection Add Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest to your wishlist
Doom on Super Nintendo6) DoomAdd Doom to your collection Add Doom to your wishlist
Earthworm Jim on Super Nintendo7) Earthworm JimAdd Earthworm Jim to your collection Add Earthworm Jim to your wishlist
Earthworm Jim 2 on Super Nintendo8) Earthworm Jim 2Add Earthworm Jim 2 to your collection Add Earthworm Jim 2 to your wishlist
Equinox on Super Nintendo9) EquinoxAdd Equinox to your collection Add Equinox to your wishlist
F-Zero on Super NintendoF-Zero10) F-ZeroAdd F-Zero to your collection Add F-Zero to your wishlist
Final Fantasy IV on Super NintendoFinal Fantasy IV11) Final Fantasy IVAdd Final Fantasy IV to your collection Add Final Fantasy IV to your wishlist
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on Super NintendoFinal Fantasy Mystic Quest12) Final Fantasy Mystic QuestAdd Final Fantasy Mystic Quest to your collection Add Final Fantasy Mystic Quest to your wishlist
Final Fantasy VI on Super NintendoFinal Fantasy VI13) Final Fantasy VIAdd Final Fantasy VI to your collection Add Final Fantasy VI to your wishlist
Illusion of Time on Super Nintendo14) Illusion of TimeAdd Illusion of Time to your collection Add Illusion of Time to your wishlist
Mega Man X on Super NintendoMega Man X15) Mega Man XAdd Mega Man X to your collection Add Mega Man X to your wishlist
Mega Man X2 on Super NintendoMega Man X216) Mega Man X2Add Mega Man X2 to your collection Add Mega Man X2 to your wishlist
Mega Man X3 on Super Nintendo17) Mega Man X3Add Mega Man X3 to your collection Add Mega Man X3 to your wishlist
Secret of Mana on Super NintendoSecret of Mana18) Secret of ManaAdd Secret of Mana to your collection Add Secret of Mana to your wishlist
Seiken Densetsu 3 on Super Nintendo19) Seiken Densetsu 3Add Seiken Densetsu 3 to your collection Add Seiken Densetsu 3 to your wishlist
Sim City on Super NintendoSim City20) Sim CityAdd Sim City to your collection Add Sim City to your wishlist
Star Fox / Starwing on Super Nintendo21) Star Fox / StarwingAdd Star Fox / Starwing to your collection Add Star Fox / Starwing to your wishlist
Street Fighter II Turbo on Super NintendoStreet Fighter II Turbo22) Street Fighter II TurboAdd Street Fighter II Turbo to your collection Add Street Fighter II Turbo to your wishlist
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts on Super NintendoSuper Ghouls 'n Ghosts23) Super Ghouls 'n GhostsAdd Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts to your collection Add Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts to your wishlist
Super Mario All-Stars on Super Nintendo24) Super Mario All-StarsAdd Super Mario All-Stars to your collection Add Super Mario All-Stars to your wishlist
Super Mario Kart on Super NintendoSuper Mario Kart25) Super Mario KartAdd Super Mario Kart to your collection Add Super Mario Kart to your wishlist
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars on Super NintendoSuper Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars26) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven StarsAdd Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars to your collection Add Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars to your wishlist
Super Mario World on Super NintendoSuper Mario World27) Super Mario WorldAdd Super Mario World to your collection Add Super Mario World to your wishlist
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island on Super Nintendo28) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's IslandAdd Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island to your collection Add Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island to your wishlist
Super Metroid on Super NintendoSuper Metroid29) Super MetroidAdd Super Metroid to your collection Add Super Metroid to your wishlist
Super R-Type on Super NintendoSuper R-Type30) Super R-TypeAdd Super R-Type to your collection Add Super R-Type to your wishlist
Tales of Phantasia on Super Nintendo31) Tales of PhantasiaAdd Tales of Phantasia to your collection Add Tales of Phantasia to your wishlist
Terranigma on Super Nintendo32) TerranigmaAdd Terranigma to your collection Add Terranigma to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on Super NintendoThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past33) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastAdd The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past to your wishlist
sknot owns 33 Super Nintendo games

Nintendo DS

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time on Nintendo DS1) Mario & Luigi: Partners in TimeAdd Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time to your collection Add Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time to your wishlist
Metroid Prime Hunters on Nintendo DS2) Metroid Prime HuntersAdd Metroid Prime Hunters to your collection Add Metroid Prime Hunters to your wishlist
New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS3) New Super Mario Bros.Add New Super Mario Bros. to your collection Add New Super Mario Bros. to your wishlist
Super Mario 64 DS on Nintendo DS4) Super Mario 64 DSAdd Super Mario 64 DS to your collection Add Super Mario 64 DS to your wishlist
sknot owns 4 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 64

1080° Snowboarding on Nintendo 641080° Snowboarding1) 1080° SnowboardingAdd 1080° Snowboarding to your collection Add 1080° Snowboarding to your wishlist
Banjo-Kazooie on Nintendo 642) Banjo-KazooieAdd Banjo-Kazooie to your collection Add Banjo-Kazooie to your wishlist
Diddy Kong Racing on Nintendo 643) Diddy Kong RacingAdd Diddy Kong Racing to your collection Add Diddy Kong Racing to your wishlist
GoldenEye 007 on Nintendo 644) GoldenEye 007Add GoldenEye 007 to your collection Add GoldenEye 007 to your wishlist
Mario Kart 64 on Nintendo 64Mario Kart 645) Mario Kart 64Add Mario Kart 64 to your collection Add Mario Kart 64 to your wishlist
Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars on Nintendo 64Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars6) Star Fox 64 / Lylat WarsAdd Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars to your collection Add Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars to your wishlist
Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64Super Mario 647) Super Mario 64Add Super Mario 64 to your collection Add Super Mario 64 to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on Nintendo 648) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's MaskAdd The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 649) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeAdd The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to your wishlist
Yoshi's Story on Nintendo 64Yoshi's Story10) Yoshi's StoryAdd Yoshi's Story to your collection Add Yoshi's Story to your wishlist
sknot owns 10 Nintendo 64 games


The Legend of Zelda on NES1) The Legend of ZeldaAdd The Legend of Zelda to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda to your wishlist
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on NES2) Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkAdd Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your collection Add Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your wishlist
sknot owns 2 NES games


Baten Kaitos Origins on GameCube1) Baten Kaitos OriginsAdd Baten Kaitos Origins to your collection Add Baten Kaitos Origins to your wishlist
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean on GameCube2) Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost OceanAdd Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean to your collection Add Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean to your wishlist
Ikaruga on GameCube3) IkarugaAdd Ikaruga to your collection Add Ikaruga to your wishlist
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on GameCube4) Metal Gear Solid: The Twin SnakesAdd Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes to your collection Add Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes to your wishlist
Resident Evil 4 (2005) on GameCube5) Resident Evil 4 (2005)Add Resident Evil 4 (2005) to your collection Add Resident Evil 4 (2005) to your wishlist
Super Mario Sunshine on GameCube6) Super Mario SunshineAdd Super Mario Sunshine to your collection Add Super Mario Sunshine to your wishlist
Super Smash Bros. Melee on GameCube7) Super Smash Bros. MeleeAdd Super Smash Bros. Melee to your collection Add Super Smash Bros. Melee to your wishlist
Tales of Symphonia on GameCube8) Tales of SymphoniaAdd Tales of Symphonia to your collection Add Tales of Symphonia to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on GameCube9) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerAdd The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube10) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessAdd The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your wishlist
TimeSplitters 2 on GameCube11) TimeSplitters 2Add TimeSplitters 2 to your collection Add TimeSplitters 2 to your wishlist
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect on GameCube12) TimeSplitters: Future PerfectAdd TimeSplitters: Future Perfect to your collection Add TimeSplitters: Future Perfect to your wishlist
Viewtiful Joe on GameCube13) Viewtiful JoeAdd Viewtiful Joe to your collection Add Viewtiful Joe to your wishlist
sknot owns 13 GameCube games

Game Boy Advance

Golden Sun: The Lost Age on Game Boy Advance1) Golden Sun: The Lost AgeAdd Golden Sun: The Lost Age to your collection Add Golden Sun: The Lost Age to your wishlist
sknot owns 1 Game Boy Advance game
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